Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Disappointment and the Apocalypse

Well, it certainly didn't feel like the Apocalypse today.  Bailey didn't take a nap, she stayed awake all day instead.  Had she napped, I might have been concerned, but a bit of sanity is quite the trade for the world ending.  Okay, I'm kidding...



We both had our share of disappointment though. Bailey really wanted to visit Quinton today, so we finally went next door, only to be reminded that Quinton and his mother Christy are out of town for the week.  Oops.  It was very difficult to explain that to her though.  She didn't handle the news well, but luckily we had a plastic pool in our backyard that helped heal her wounds, even if she wasn't wearing her swimsuit yet.  At least clothes dry...


Unless it's the Apocalypse.

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