Monday, June 19, 2006

A Father's Day

Our Father's Day celebration started yesterday morning with getting breakfast at Sonic (super nutritious!) and taking it to a local park to eat.  Bailey, naturally, was much more interested in playing, and less interested in the idea of eating.  We thought that was okay, considering the circumstances(distractions, and all).

We went to the Grandparents' house for lunch and Bailey was VERY excited to her Grandpa.  She's loud and proud and squeals with delight whenever given the chance.  She also liked seeing her Cousin Kona, although she could've done without the concept of sharing, and did her best to not conform.

One of her favorite parts was dessert, which was ice cream cake!  Yummy stuff!  She wasn't happy when Daddy decided she was finished.  Before he could stop her, she managed to steal a bite of Mommy's, and her little expression as he carried her away from the table was priceless.

All she has been able to talk about since yesterday is "Grandpa."  I may not be able to understand a lot of it, but the word "Grandpa" is definitely in there...


(Oh and tonight she called Daddy "Baby Grandpa," then I swear she said, "I mean Daddy.")

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