Wednesday, November 26, 2008

About the Photo

On Halloween, I shared a photo I had taken during that day and ever since, I've had people asking me a little about it. An explanation. Maybe some insight. Something.

Well, yes, I did take it myself. No, I didn't use any Photoshop tools on it. It's just a simple photo. Honest. I have no reason to lie to you.

Bailey and I had spent that day at the farm we often frequent when it's open during its annual season run, and we were fishing for the last time of the year (because that was its last day open of the season, and it will reopen in the spring). While fishing, this reflection, shadow was captured. So I'm sorry to disappoint, but it was not taken at night. It was not a creepy night scape. But it was fitting for Halloween. I'm glad you agree.

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