Wednesday, July 5, 2006

A Second Chance

I had a chance to redeem myself today.  We don't always get those chances in life, but I had my very own opportunity to take a "do-over" and I did it.

Bailey was taking another bath, then started giggling really loudly and to my shock yet again, it was indeed a spider.  She says this word now and was very excited.  I scooped her out of the bath and we watched as the spider crawled on top of her bath toys with determination.  Just as I wished I had done last time, instead of crushing his very life away along with every hope and dream he's ever had, I took her cup and scooped him up and she was beyond enthused.  With this cup full of a very true fear I have, I dumped its contents into our toilet and flushed her latest bath buddy.  We both waved goodbye and I told her about all the friends he would find during his journey.

Hey, it could happen.

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