Saturday, July 22, 2006

Beautiful Conditions

After what feels like ages of awful humidity and over 100 degrees, we've been experiencing fantastic weather here in Kansas.  And since it won't last, we've been taking advantage of it.

Friday evening, we spent some time at the park nearby, and then we returned this evening as well after we came back from visiting the fair.  At the fair, we just walked around, smelled the livestock (which was impossible to not do, eww), and gazed at the carnival rides.  We didn't do much, but Bailey did enjoy the cows.

We also did a little bit of shopping today.  We allowed Bailey to spend some of her birthday money.  So far, she's loving spending time with her farm animals we found at Toys 'R Us.  And our little animal lover also found a veterinarian kit.  Doctor Bailey has a nice ring to it, even if she is operating on critters.


...Tomorrow will be a fabulous day too.

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