Saturday, July 8, 2006


Bailey has chosen the beginning of hot July to decide that snowmen are very cool.  On Friday, she took the two ends from the blinds' strings and stacked them and told me it was a snowman.

Also, ever since the second spider incident, Bailey has been torturing me by asking, "where did that spider go?"  I'm waiting for the day that I discover she has actually found a new spider and isn't still going on about the flushed one.  Notice, I didn't type that I was looking forward to it...


At approximately the same time each evening, Bailey goes into the entry way and perches herself onto the back of the blue chair and stares out the window longingly, then will get down and ask me where Daddy is.  On Friday, I asked her if she wanted to go see Daddy and to the door she went.  (We met up with Daddy in Gardner and I went do some shopping and visit Brooke.)

This morning, we asked her if she wanted to go see Grandpa and she ran to get her shoes and socks (in the blink of an eye, and that never happens), returned to us with socks in one hand, both shoes in the other and told us, "Here they are!"  We couldn't have gotten out the door fast enough.  (And trust me, she wasn't happy when we realized ten minutes out that we'd forgotten to do something important and had to return briefly.)

She spent the afternoon with her Grandparents before they journey to New Jersey tomorrow.  She had a splendid time and Daddy and Mommy escaped to spy on pirates.  Then we had dinner with them at the very high-class (and yummy) Hi-Boy and Bailey was the proudest sitting next to her Grandpa in the booth.  (Maybe it was because she could easily steal his fries.)


I'll try to make another update tomorrow...

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