Monday, July 31, 2006

The Fall of The Shoe Goddess

Last Tuesday was one of those hectic days I probably should've avoided.  Sometimes, I fit way too much into a day, but in the end, it worked out okay.

We started out Tuesday's life at gymnastics class.  This was Bailey's first time.  Coincidentally, she is not the only Bailey in the class.  With a total of three kids, two are named Bailey. Bailey wasn't sure she wanted to participate.  She tried a couple times to follow directions, but this was a completely new environment and with all the fun things surrounding her, she didn't think she needed to be limited.  Of course, I disagreed.  During one of these disagreements (while she could've been waiting her turn to jump on the trampoline) she tried to bite my face!  She had this evil look in her eyes too and that's when we were ready to depart.  She was determined to bite me and she's never acted like that vicious.  She never bit me, but we did get her shoes back on and head for the door.  At the same time, Mister Tony, the class instructor, asked if she wanted to get a ribbon and stand on the podium.  Finally, a photo opportunity for our first class, so naturally I took it.  The lighting was off though, but Bailey was proud of her ribbon.

We were actually very late to gymnastics that morning.  I called him to let him know we were late and that didn't mean we weren't going to do the class, just perhaps another week.  Apparently, they hadn't started yet, so he told us to come on in since we're only two minutes away.  Starting late meant finishing late meant instead of getting out by 11, so B and I could drive to meet Daddy for lunch, we were leaving closer to 11:20.

Surprisingly, we got there almost in time and had a picnic.  It was too hot for a picnic which made me question why I stressed myself getting the picnic together (which was Daddy's suggestion) before gymnastics.  This is possibly the death of the Tuesday picnics, but Bailey liked playing at the park. 

We were there only briefly, something about the heat, and we then went to Target and then to Wonderscope.  Bailey always has such a fabulous time at Wonderscope and she's really learning her way around the building.  She knows which rooms are which and we played in quite a few of them, some longer than others.  We were there for a while and then left to do more shopping.  We didn't buy much, but I still like to look and so does the little miss. 

During our last shopping expedition of the day, Bailey fell in love with the shoe section at another Target, and I do mean in love.  She insisted upon trying some of the shoes on and running around in them, even if the shoes were still tied together.  That was mildly humorous.  Bailey's favorite pair of shoes were some ladybug rain boots.  She really want those ladybug shoes!  She kept testing them out in the form of running around the shoe department.  Finally, after a really long time playing in the shoes, we needed to wrap it up.  Bailey had one final lap and in the process, ran right into the edge of shelving at the end of the aisle.  It was awful.  She cried so hard she made little to no sound and I knew it had to hurt.  by this time, I'd already grabbed her, started my initial lecture on how this is why we're not supposed to run, then assessed the damage.  I felt so bad for her.  That mean, nasty shelf corner left an imprint on her forehead.  I felt the need for revenge, but I controlled my bitter urges.

While you're saying "Poor Bailey," please note that this was a day of constant bumps and bruises, mostly falls, that all could have been avoided, had she been careful.  We've been discussing this very seriously lately.  She refused to hold onto the stair railing on the way to gymnastics and fell down a step face first.  Ouch.  Where was I?  Hands full of picnic supplies, camera and diaper bag and trying to reach for a hand she wouldn't continue to let me hold on to.  She scraped her finger in a Target cart being rough.  Ouch.  She's still picking at that one.  She fell off her play structure as I was getting after her for how and where she was climbing.  Oh, and something about her shoving her ankle in the chair backing and getting it stuck...then screaming at me because we couldn't get it out.  Luckily I avoided the panic time and found a way to get out, all the while saying, "and we're not going to do this again...right?"

At least she has my grace, eh?

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