Tuesday, July 11, 2006

An Education in Disappointment

Some lessons cannot be avoided, no matter how hard you try.  There are certain inalienable truths.  Disappointment will eventually arise, no matter how much avoidance you attempt.


On Sunday, we went to the Royals game.  They were giving away baseball bats and playing Toronto, the only two reasons to be at the ballpark.  Bailey had a third reason: to see Sluggerrr.  She's obsessed with that plushy/furry.  She wants him for her very own.  Heck, she even has her own miniature version, but alas, that's not the same.

We kept our eyes out for Sluggerrr the whole time we were at the stadium, we even saw him a few times, but we never actually made it to him and Bailey was crushed.  You could see the look in her eyes.  Disappointment was lingering and it was almost heartbreaking.  She never had the chance to visit with him during that visit to the ballpark.

Today, she once again tasted disappointment.  (She somehow avoided it during most of her life.)  I asked her if she wanted a snack (and she's become accustomed to "snacks," meaning "fruit snacks") and was given a rude awakening when she discovered Spongebob animal crackers in the foil bag instead.  You should ha seen the growl in her eyes.  She wasn't growling, but the thought was there, so was disappointment.

As for other news, we had lunch with Daddy, per usual Tuesday fashion, and then we headed ot the 'Scope.  We weren't planning on staying long, but Bailey decided to have a poopy diaper which sped up events.  She was angry about the poopy diaper.  She's going through this phase where she denies having a dirty diaper and tries to stay away from me.  We would've changed then returned into the 'Scope (and no, I do not take diapers in with me because the Bailey and the camera bag keep my hands full enough the way it is) but Bailey decided to scratch and pull, kick and yell.  There was no way we were going back in after that performance.

We did however stop by a Target.  Good clearance sales!  I love fabulous clearance prices.  There was absolutely no disappointment there.

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