Monday, July 31, 2006

The Fireplace Fiasco and other adventures

Following our trend of bangs and bruises, Bailey and Daddy were playing during some evening last week, possibly Wednesday, and Bailey ended up crashing into the fireplace corner, the one we also dread being an issue, but had so far avoided severe collisions.  The aftermath looks awful and some tears were shed, mostly ours.

Last Tuesday, Bailey had her very first ice cream cone.  She's an expert multitasker because while eating it, she was also trying to destroy McDonalds property.  If it had been a hotel, I would wonder if she had a career as a rockstar in her future.


The other night at Walmart, I won Bailey her first stuffed animal out of one of those machines.  I wasn't expecting it, but was thrilled.  My child?  She wanted another one, but settled with just the one bear.


We have new neighbors.  Bailey and Daddy met them last night.  We're pretty excited about that.  Two of the kids were playing in our back yard with Bailey.  New neighbors with kids is VERY awesome news.

I'm not sure what else I have to report...I'll think about it, but probably won't get back to it.


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