Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Colorful Observation

If you ask Bailey what the color is of any random object, she seems to answer the first color she can think of, rarely correctly.  However, if she says it all on her own, she gets it right, 100% of the time.  I find that absolutely amazing.


Also, I'm going to be honest, I can't keep up with her new words anymore.  I try my hardest, and I mean that, more so than most I know who if their kids even speak five words they will be like, "Oh, I can't recall."  I try and try, and I'll think I've done superb record-tracking, but then I'll realize I left a word out that she started saying a few weeks before, or even longer.  Her vocabulary really is expanding so much.

Something I'm very strict on pointing out to anyone though, is that Bailey didn't start out having first words, she started with first sentences.  She really did.  You can give me that look, but it's been true since she even turned one year.  She almost always includes, "it's a ___," or "that's a____" or some other phrase with her words, and that has been true since she first learned to say them. 

So, while her vocabulary was still being enhanced, she still could construct sentences, she just learns new words continuously to fill in the blanks.  I've always found that remarkable.  And someone out there will say, "all kids do that," but no, they really don't.


I'll also admit that I love to brag.  Obviously.

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