Monday, May 22, 2006

Gathering with Family

On Sunday, yet another beautiful day, we journeyed out to my Aunt Liz's house in Corder, Missouri for a family-filled picnic.  Aunt Donna, along with my cousin Traci and her daughter Mackenzie flew all the way from sunny Florida to visit, so the least we could do was go to see them.  :)

The event also attracted other family members, such as Uncle Daniel, Aunt Patsy, Cousin Lindsey momentarily, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Bertina, Cousin Jeffrey, Cousin John and his daughter Johnna and son Shaun, Cousin Wendy and her clan of four little girls (plus one friend) and her son Quentin, Uncle John, Aunt Belinda, Cousin Rikki and her son Zane.  Of course, Aunt Liz, Uncle Kenny, Uncle Al and Aunt Linda were all four there too, but well, they do happen to live there, so that could explain it.  It was quite the turn-out.

Our little miss acted very shy at first, keeping her head either toward Daddy's chest, or facing the ground.  But she quickly warmed up to everyone, and adored the dog Trudy, but that shouldn't surprise anyone. 

Once fourteen-month-old Mackenzie finally awoke from her nap, Bailey greeted her very surprisingly by attaching herself to the high chair and perching on the foot rest and facing Mackenzie, pointing out her anatomy and saying "hi" in such an unusual manner.

She also ended up being Bailey-napped for a short period by Wendy's daughters.  Bailey loves having an entourage and she didn't mind being lead into captivity either.


We were convinced Bailey would sleep on the way home after all the exercise and stimulation, but she managed to stay awake the entire car ride home, just talking away about her experiences of the day and reading her books.  I have no idea where she gets all of this energy from.


We really had such a fabulous time, in case you couldn't tell.

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