Sunday, May 7, 2006

Constant Surprises

I'm not sure why I ever underestimate Bailey.  I make this mistake sometimes, and then I receive such a surprise.


For months now, I've thought, "why doesn't Bailey make the animal sounds?"  I even wondered if I wasn't working with her enough.  She definitely can do the "moo" and pant like a dog, but I thought that was it.  Oh pardon me, she also knows that lions, tigers and dinosaurs (oh my!) roar.  When she sees their photos, she goes, "ROAR!!"  (She also does this if you ask her what they say.)


Well, I should stop second guessing the two of us because today, Bailey proved that she can meow, bark, quack, and tweet, and those are only the ones I asked her.  I asked, "what does a cat say?"  And she meowed several times.  And she followed suit with the other animals as well.  I was certainly shocked, but extremely proud.  It's amazing at just how many skills she keeps hidden from me.


I was also afraid that I wasn't giving her enough opportunities for pretend play.  I see other children do these things, and wonder if I'm doing enough for her, and I should just stop worrying about that too.  Give her a cup and plastic teapot, and she can magically make tea and drink it.  Give her an empty plate, and there's food she can eat and it's "yummy."  Give her toy tools, and she can fix almost anything.


Give her a doll...and she can throw it and beat it.  Okay, so we still have to work on that one.  And no, she didn't learn that from me.

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