Thursday, May 11, 2006

A little busy, but never too busy to shop

I haven't been myself this week.  Until today, I hadn't taken any pictures of Bailey (and I need to upload the ones I finally took).  Daddy was out of town for a conference until tonight, so I've been over booked with entertaining the little lass.


Now, I'm attempting to relax and gawk at Gymboree's website and look at my 30% off coupon with wide-eyes and wonder at what I should convince Bailey's father that we absolutely need.  Heh.  I also found some things we need from Old Navy.  Yes, WE NEED them.  It'll be fun relaying that message to Daddy.



Bailey hasn't really wanted to sleep this past week at all.  She's gone nap-less as well as stayed up until the wee small hours of the morning (Thank you, Frank Sinatra).  I was reading an article today that stressed the importance of toddlers and twelve hours of sleep and making groans and nasty sounds towards the magazine article.  I think I even scoffed.  I'm not sure we've ever experienced a twelve-hours-of-sleep-night with our child once.  And if we have, I'm quite sorry we've forgotten it.  But I made sure to also share the article with my toddler, explaining to her that it's important and that she should follow it strictly.  To that, she said, "babies," and pointed to the ones shown in the article and then started flipping through it, pointing out other miscellaneous objects throughout its glossy pages.


Another thing to note, Mother's Day is approaching.  Someone should remind Bailey's father to buy a card.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL Welcome to the wonderful world of Motherhood!