Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wrongly Accused: Grandma's Story

Last week a blog entry was written about Grandma and Grandpa's special gifts to us. Grandpa's was taking a photo on Thanksgiving and sharing it. Grandma's was teaching Bailey how to blow off straw wrappers in public establishments, a worthy trait, indeed. It was also written that both were truly appreciated.

Today, Grandma wanted to set the record straight. First off, Grandpa taught Cousin Kona how to blow off the wrapper and while we were out in public and Grandpa was getting drinks and Grandma sat with the children, Kona used the knowledge he learned from Grandpa as Grandma merely witnessed such an act. Bailey then obviously followed. Grandma was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. An innocent bystander, of course.

And as for the photograph, it was one of those
Iwo Jima misunderstandings. Grandpa took the photo Grandma asked him to and somehow managed to get the credit for it. And if it hadn't been for her quick and crafty thinking, such a photograph would not have existed.

Now you've heard the rest of the story and hopefully cleared Grandma's name.

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