Bailey's class had a field trip to our local Hope House the first week in December, so the class was busy gathering items to take with them. We sent an eclectic mix of toothbrushes, shampoo, hot cocoa, lemonade, and whatever else I threw in that black bag. Of course, the field trip was scheduled on possibly the coldest day of the year, so the teachers drove instead of walked and when I went to pick up Bailey later after their field trip, one of the teachers said, "and don't forget your bag."
This usually translates to one of my canvas bags that I bring along to house snacks, craft supplies, or whatever else I send, and her reminder included my empty bag for the Hope House donations, but it also included the brown paper bag. I instantly replied, "I thought they were taking donations to Hope House?"
The teacher laughed and said the lady there at Hope House had asked if they minded if she gave the children presents and she too had said similar to what I commented about Hope House being the ones to receive gifts, but the lady gave the children a bag of hope. The word, "hope" has been tossed around a lot this past year, but this hope was different. And if you're curious what's in a bag of hope, I'll show you.

I can think of fewer items to give more parents and children hope than a bag of Brach's autumn mix, watercolors, and a magnetic A to Z book. This collection of goodies certainly made our bag of lemonade, hot cocoa, shampoo, toothbrushes and other miscellaneous look awfully bleak in comparison.

But next time I send Bailey on a field trip like that expecting to empty out some shelf space, I'll have to consider everything they'll send home with her: a bag of calories, some bright paint, and tiny little magnetic letters. (Fortunately, none of these items have yet to be opened.) Hope awaits us.
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