Monday, December 22, 2008

Consider it an early Christmas gift...

Last Wednesday, Bailey's class had a field trip to a local retirement community. They needed a spot for just one more child, so I drove Bailey. I graciously did this because I secretly really hoped to videotape it since I can now retrieve my video (YAY!). They went to sing some songs and also bring along some treats for the elderly folk who live there. Bailey had been singing ALL the words to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for a couple weeks prior, enough to warrant suspicion from her Mommy. Once there, I was extremely impressed by Bailey's participation.

After singing, the children passed out cards they'd made to any willingly recipient they could find and then when they'd run out of bodies, they went room to room seeking out more people to give cards to. It was too cute watching the kids.

They also sang in the hallway to different people and when they finally made it back to the main room, they each then passed out cookies in the same fashion and were rewarded by eating a cookie themselves.

The talk of cookies, brings me to a blog entry I almost wrote:
Why craving sweets isn't always bad.

I will never give myself such a hard time when I have a sudden urge to bake brownies ever again. Because had I not had a sudden urge to bake last Tuesday evening, I wouldn't have reminded myself that we had cookies to bake.

And fortunately, I thought of it in time before Bailey had to go to bed. She had such a blast helping and we didn't have to grab cookies at a store on our way to preschool like other parents did.

Now back to the show...

While passing out cookies, there was this lovely lady who gratefully took as many cookies as the children were willing to give her.

Other people declined once they had a cookie, so the children would seek someone else. Every time a child came by with cookies, this lady took it with such grace even though she had handfuls of cookies.

I don't think she was just some greedy wench, I think she honestly loved the children's attention. This same woman claimed that she never heard the children sing and asked if they'd be willing to sing some songs again. Now, she had been there before, but the children were thrilled to show off their holiday cheer. I figured you might be thrilled to hear that same cheer, so enjoy. I know, it's so tough taking joy in little kids singing Christmas carols, but try anyway.

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