Wednesday, November 26, 2008

About the Photo

On Halloween, I shared a photo I had taken during that day and ever since, I've had people asking me a little about it. An explanation. Maybe some insight. Something.

Well, yes, I did take it myself. No, I didn't use any Photoshop tools on it. It's just a simple photo. Honest. I have no reason to lie to you.

Bailey and I had spent that day at the farm we often frequent when it's open during its annual season run, and we were fishing for the last time of the year (because that was its last day open of the season, and it will reopen in the spring). While fishing, this reflection, shadow was captured. So I'm sorry to disappoint, but it was not taken at night. It was not a creepy night scape. But it was fitting for Halloween. I'm glad you agree.

Just a normal, everyday household


Good thing we recycle

I promise you this isn't some guilt trip pushing the rest of you into extreme recycling. Honest. Instead, this is just a moment to tell you that yesterday, I was thanking my lucky stars that I do recycle. And probably not for reasons you might think. Or maybe you did think them. Either way.

I was taking bags of recyclables out to my car in order to make what sometimes feels like an unnecessary trip when I could just throw this stuff out in the trash can like anyone else (see, I'm human) and I saw that in my newspaper stash, there was one rolled paper that was still in its orange uniform. We didn't always get to the local paper, which may have to do with why last month when its six month subscription ran out, it took a while to notice. It wasn't uncommon for us to end up just instantly putting them into the newspaper stash for recycling. Well, it can't be recycled in its bag, so I took it out and removed the rubber band straitjacket, and it came unrolled and I saw something of interest. For whatever reason, I recognized someone by their scalp, or the possibly of recognizing them. You can check for yourself too. And the scalp I recognized wasn't the scalp you'd think.

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's the thought that counts

Bailey asked me today about what I want Santa to bring me for Christmas. I answered that all I wanted for Christmas was my Bailey to be happy. She told me that wasn't a gift and that I'm supposed to get toys. I explained that I didn't need any toys and that again, I just wanted her to be happy. She seemed pleased with my second answer, regardless of it being repetitive, and then she asked what Daddy wanted. I guessed by telling her similar to what I wanted. She didn't seem quite as pleased so I asked her if she thought he needed a present for Christmas and she answered, "Yes. I think he needs a new computer because his keeps shutting off. That's what I want to get him."

Then she decided she wanted to get me something too, just to keep us even, I suppose. What is she getting me? "A bottle of shampoo with a blue lid that is blueberry, it smells like blueberry." It is indeed the thought that counts.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

There are just some things that Santa won't buy

I'm sure a few people out there think that Santa is a bit too generous to my child. I'm a bit partial on the matter, because I've seen impoverished people who have much more spoiled children with a yard full of Power Wheels and a toy box full of every kind of Fisher-Price Little People they could get their grubby hands on. But yeah, I suppose Santa can be sort of generous when it comes to little redheads named Bailey.

Yet, there are times when Santa must draw the line. Like Butterscotch the ridiculously priced and sized pony that would never fit in our little yellow house in Ruralville, Kansas. Or pet reptiles. In fact, any additional pets. And it goes with the pet theme, since I have a feeling Santa is boycotting one of the particular things Bailey has been eyeing for Christmas. The Littlest Pet Shop VIP pals, the two pack edition.

These things are so incredibly ugly they make me cross-eyed. They're so fuzzy and sweet I fall into a diabetic coma just at a wayward glance. Then at times, they seem like they're trying too hard to be all fuzzy and sweet, like they're secretly possessed. And I just can't figure out why she'd want them at all. What is that child of mine seriously going to do with these things? Okay, besides annoy me.

Yeah, I think Santa and I are going to end up passing on this two pack of demonic critters. I'll leave it to someone else out there who doesn't mind their crazy eyes and awkwardly proportioned bodies. Or someone who enjoys the fact I hate those things. Either way.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Well, that lasted a while...

And in case you're wondering what this is a picture of, well, they're remnants of that tutu. I discovered them after a trip downstairs doing laundry. I know I've mentioned before how great disasters occur while I'm laundering, which should exempt me from such a heinous tasks. I followed the trail of lace which told the story of how Fudge and Bailey destroyed her brand new tutu in less than five minutes. The fact Bailey was hiding also told me a lot. It told me that the cuter the outfit, the faster it is ruined.

Oh well. As her shirt states, "it's ruff being cute," and she's clearly "ruff" on her clothes.

Family Portraits

We decided not to do family portraits at a studio this year, and instead we've put Bailey's talents to use.

In further detail, Bailey's last day of school before our Floridian getaway left me with the most wonderful gift, so precious it came on its own hanger. It was meant to be a mobile, and on it were individual portraits of the members in our family.

(The blue circle is her belly button.)(The lower blue circle on Daddy is also his belly button.)(I shouldn't need to explain this one.) I still go back and forth from humiliated to pure laughter on my own portrait. And don't worry, you're allowed to laugh too. Just don't tell Bailey.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Now that we're leaving, we'll leave you with a few photos...

Especially since our plane is leaving in less than fifteen minutes.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tinkerbell Meets Tinkerbell

Sometimes, pictures really do speak for themselves. But I will was surprisingly worth the over 75 minute wait. Seriously.

Shuttle Launch

Do not be deceived by the title, we really did see the shuttle launch tonight. And boy are we glad we happened to call Grandpa today asking about dolphins. Because had we not, we never would have known we could have seen this from our hotel balcony at exactly 7:55 pm, Eastern Standard time. There are downsides to vacations. You just don't watch the news quite as much.