Monday, October 27, 2008

Special Delivery

Bailey was taking an afternoon bath. Yes, I know, an afternoon bath is kind of against tradition, but hey, whatever. Since she's in recovery mode, she gets away with a lot more. So, anyway, we were nontraditionally bathing and I thought I heard something and it was Fudge barking fiercely, well, as fiercely as Fudge can. Then it dawns on me, someone was at the door. I hated leaving her in the bath to check on the door and I was thinking it was either a Sign Pusher or the neighbors, so I was going to do a rushed version of, "can't talk, kid in the tub," mostly just to shut the dog up.

There was no neighbor or Sign Pusher at the door, instead there was a Flower Lady. She had brought my Bailey a basket of surprises and I had the great pleasure of taking the basket into the bathroom to a very wet Bailey.

Bailey was so ecstatic about her gift and wanted to know who they were from and was very gracious that her Aunt Susie, Uncle Pat and Cousins Jeannette, Rebecca and James cared so much. A definite thanks to them!! Her bath soon came to an end and she could hardly contain her enthusiasm. And most of all, she wanted her bear detached from the bouquet immediately.

There was a bag of M&Ms hidden in the mix and Bailey wondered aloud if she could have those with her throat. She said they weren't soft but decided that she could just suck on them. I was ever proud of her problem-solving skills. Later though after trying that, she said it was too hard to not eat them and they were crunchy and crunchy isn't soft and she is only supposed to eat soft stuff right now. Again, I was proud of her ability to think through these situations.

Not too much long after, Bailey pulled out a rose from the bouquet and informed me that "sometimes boys and girls give each other roses when they love each other." She's been quite obsessed with this crazy logic lately, using phrases like, "in love." Trust me, she's not getting any of these ideas from me. But she did insist that I smell her rose and gave it to me and then told me she needed a vase for it. I went and found one, coincidentally enough, one from the flowers Uncle Pat and Aunt Susie had sent to the hospital when Bailey was born. Bailey proudly displayed her rose in it and somehow, someway, more flowers slowly found their way into that vase as my little redhead became a budding florist, making her own bouquet. The best part was she made a card and put it in an envelope and put it in the middle of the flowers on top of the vase and told me they were for me.

Her generosity amazes me and while the thought is sweet, I'm hardly the deserving one. That'd be her.

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