Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodbye Snore

Tomorrow morning, Bailey is having her snore removed. At least that's her version of events. Yes, that's right. Bailey says the doctor is taking out her snore. Her exact words. She always adds, "because little kids aren't supposed to snore," which is exactly what the doctor told us and is a bit disconcerting since Bailey has snored since infancy. In fact, Bailey was barely a few hours old and was snoring in the hospital. We now know that had we known the good doctor all those years before, we probably would've all slept a little better at night. Just kidding. I'm not sure I could've let them cut open my infant without a dire emergency.

So the snore is coming out. The doctor claims she'll be easier to wake in the mornings now and getting ready for school won't be such a hassle. I'm thinking wishful thinking. She also thinks Bailey will start gaining weight because little girls at the age of four shouldn't be under thirty pounds. I was petite as a child, so I'm not so sure that's true either. She says she'll toss and turn less. Again with the wishful thinking. But I do agree this is necessary, along with the ear tubes. She's had some pretty nasty ear infections this last year. A hearing test said she's showing some hearing loss with the fluid in her ears. It isn't permanent, thank heavens, but it does need to be treated. I also am looking forward to hearing my daughter breathe easier at night and not have to solely rely on breathing out of her mouth the majority of the time.
So as we read in our book tonight,

And Goodbye Snore. You will not be missed.

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