Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Freakiest of Mommy Moments

I ended up asleep in Bailey's bed at some point. She's been having a rough couple of nights, waking up constantly in tears. So goes Dr. Wei's theory of better sleep-filled nights. I was on less than three hours of sleep, but my alarm was going off. I had lots of things to do before Bailey's Halloween party at school today. (We're throwing the shindig, so I wanted to make sure all details were in order.)

If you've ever had the great displeasure in being around me as I wake up in the mornings, I'm quite out of it and it takes a bit to get me to be alert. That might have something to do with all of the hours of sleep I get, or perhaps not. Either way, I'm *such* a morning person.

So I look to my right and see my beautiful Bailey's face and she wasn't making any sound at all. And then I touched her face just to give me that assurance, just like every mother needs from time to time, and it was frozen. Ice cold. And she wasn't making any sound. It wasn't until she moved her face due to the touch of my hand that my heart could finally leap back into my chest.

Yeah, I'm not so sure this snoreless sleep is going to make it any easier on me. But I'm going to keep her warmer at least.

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