Thursday, October 30, 2008

Orange Panic

Bailey's been fabulous at paying attention to what foods she can and cannot eat as her throat is healing. She really listened to us when we had our talks. That almost makes up for all of those moments when it seems like she hasn't listened at all. But the other morning, she asked if she could have orange juice and I was the lucky soul to break it to her that it might burn her throat. She was right though, it is smooth and soft. She was disappointed, but she dealt with it. A champ, really.

Monday night, I picked up some things after I got off from work and among those were little orange juice boxes for her school's Halloween bash. They made more sense than buying cups and jugs of punch, plus they're recyclable! Later the next day, Bailey discovered them and asked about having one, and it's been crazy making sure she's drinking anything at all, so I jumped at the chance. After all, they came in packs of ten and well, I had more than I needed. Fast forward to Bailey drinking out of one and she seemed panicked when she told me, "LOOK! This is orange."

"Yes it is, sweetheart."

"But you said I can't have orange juice for my throat."

"That's true, but that's not real orange juice. It's like orange punch. It's okay."


She looked extremely relieved and went back to drinking it. And I was still proud she'd been paying attention and taking an active role in her body's recovery.

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