Friday, October 24, 2008

Almost Like New

I figure I owe at least an update pertaining to Bailey's surgery. The tonsils and adenoid have officially been traded in for a set of ear tubes. Aside from absolutely hating her hospital gown and a sniffle here and there, Bailey was the ultimate champ. We heard other children screaming, but not our Bailey. She was the example of the perfect patient. And when it was time for her IV to be removed, she stuck out her little pasty white arm and let the nurse do her thing. I was extremely proud. I'll write more on our adventure later, but I wanted to at least share that everything was fine. The worst of it was while we waited during her surgery, we were forced to watch McCain on Fox News. Just as I thought I would die from the torture of both experiences, the rest of the people in the waiting area joined my inner thoughts with their own comments, in my favor, might I add. It eased a tense moment, I assure you. But Bailey's healthy and possibly for the first time in her beautiful four years of life, she's finally breathing through her nose. (The doctor told us it was one of the largest adenoids she had ever seen in a small child.)

We appreciated your warm wishes and prayers.

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