Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The inhumanity of it all

With having a new puppy comes training and lots of usage of the word, "no."  It's like getting a brand spankin' new toddler.  One of her naughty little tricks is knocking over the kitchen trash can.  This is not an admirable trait.  This is not an acceptable trait.  This is an aggravating trait.


So after a couple occurrences, a punishment had to be exacted.


If you remember (well, if you knew us then), when we trained our feline Aerial all those many, many years ago, we used the ever humane device appropriately named The Zap Mat.  It was the coolest little gray sheet of a tool that  would inflict a slight twinge of shock into whatever touched it.  Either the cat learned her lesson or just was always well-behaved.  We tend to assume the best.  And although we joked about using it during Bailey's toddler training, we honestly never did, just thought really seriously hard about it.


Well, since we still had it gathering dust in the basement, we brought it up for some fun.  It'd lived a lonely enough life, so it was due time for it to relive its glory days.


We explained in grave detail to Miss Bailey on how important it was to not touch it and that it would zap her.  She's a curious child after all.  We made sure she understood and she would gladly remind you of its powers and "that it would really, really hurt you."  And Fudge can contest to that because although we haven't witnessed her sneaking in to knock the ecru mass of filth over, we have heard her yelp a pitiful cry that the whole neighborhood could probably recall hearing once or twice.  We'll continue leaving it in its place for a little longer though just to make sure its lesson has stuck.


Then out of the spontaneous blue, Bailey spoke of how it zapped her big toe, but not her whole foot and that it hurt.  "But it didn't zap all of me."  Apparently she told Rob and I this same tale at separate times, making us both wonder whether this was a possibly true event or a concocted one.


We're going to just go with the "healthy imagination" excuse.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy I can relate on the new puppy we got a puppy exactly 2 weeks ago today . Hes now 8 weeks old . and yep hes a handful LOL cute story hun . If you have a minute you can check out pics of him on .. Miss ya .