Thursday, April 24, 2008

Because there are few surprises in life

We were shopping today at Kohl's, taking advantage of some super fabulous deals.  We bought a heap, and then made the mistake of returning inside, only because I had forgotten our bag of of things that hadn't fit from two days ago when I found another set of super fabulous deals.  I went to return these items and as we were heading back out, we happened to walk past a shelf I didn't recall noticing before and they had a few clearance items of interest.  As I was inspecting one particular item, it suddenly became an item of interest to Bailey.  I'm not going to tell you what it was, just to be ornery, but she went into details about what she could do with said item, and as it became only more apparent that it was a great idea, the challenge was to get it bought and to my car without her noticing.

But, alas, she didn't want to part with it.  She believed that it was such a good deal, we needed to take it home right now so she could start all their beautiful plans together.  I broke it to her gently that she wasn't getting it and that was that.  And then, when she was distracted, I talked to an associate about how critical it was that my child not know I was buying this item for her birthday.  He seemed to have understood.

Bailey and I went to check out for the last time, this time purchasing something for a classmate's birthday (that she picked out herself) and the associate then started getting the other item ready with the subtly of an airplane sign.  He could not have been more obvious if he had tried.  Seriously.  And from the moment that bag was in my hands, she knew what it was, no matter how ignorant I acted and mum I stayed.  I wouldn't even talk about it except by saying in the parking lot after what felt like miles of inquiries, "If it is for you, it's for your birthday, so we're not going to talk about it anymore."


Of course, I guess she thought talking to Daddy about it wasn't part of the arrangement.


Maybe she'll forget about by July 13th?  Yeah, I'm not so optimistic either.

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