Wednesday, April 9, 2008




I just asked this question in my household only a few minutes ago.  "You're really going to ruin our day over apple juice?  Really?"


Twenty-five minutes ago, somebody was a little disappointed to discover we were all out of apple juice.  Not that she normally drinks apple juice with breakfast, in fact, she never does, but apparently that was the plan this morning until she discovered the empty bottle with the recycled plastic.  She's been pretty much quiet ever since and I will tell you something, I almost prefer the loud fits over the silent ones.  Almost.  And I say almost because she freezes up completely during these silent ones and even moving her is difficult.  And getting through to her takes forever.  Then again, the loud ones, she'd flail about and those would take forever to calm her down too.  I guess there's no winner.


But since she's quiet, it gives me a chance to remind her of significant facts.  I reminded her how most of the time she doesn't even drink her apple juice and we have to dump it out.  I also asked her if she really wanted to ruin our plans for the whole day, like going to the farm after preschool today.


Her answer? Silence.


It's not so golden today, folks.

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