Monday, April 28, 2008

The Elusive Butterfly

Bailey informed me that there was a butterfly behind me.  And that's how it all began...


Before I knew it I was surrounded.  The chase had begun.  Around me, around me, around me, circle after circle, and I was stuck in the middle of a high speed chase.


Then the lucrative butterfly chose a more clever route and the chase continued, over the couch, flying over the ottomans, bouncing from the floor to throw pillows, the net's mesh swooshing away, one miss to the next.


That was one quick butterfly.


But the huntress was determined.


And then for a second, that elusive butterfly stopped to look up at me from the edge of the couch armrest, maybe for assistance, maybe just to give me a cute expression, but then down came the net on top of her body.  The huntress had not forgotten her prey.


I suppose that's what happens when a butterfly ventures indoors.  Do not worry about it though, the huntress means no harm.  And I'm sure that Butterfly Fudge has an escape soon planned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd share a gift we got Shelby for her birthday that is so neat!  I'm sure Bailey would love it as well.  It's called a Bugville Butterfly Treehouse by Insect Lore.  It comes with a mesh cage about two feet tall, and a certificate to mail off for 5 catipillars.  Three of the five are guaranteed to go through the butterfly life cycle.  We found a catipillar last summer that we decided to bring in and put in a box with some milk weeds to eat.  Before we knew it, we watched the catipillar go into its chrysalis, and eventually transform into a butterfly.  It was so fascinating to watch!