Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sunny Days were here again....

So today was finally a beautiful day, but that has nothing to do with this entry.  no, this entry is pertaining to how our Saturday was spent, which was at Kemper Arena being entertained by mutant muppets, or at least their cousins.  Bailey attended her third installment of Sesame Street Live, while her mother went to one of many, many, many live shows.  Bailey loved it, well, mostly.  She's quite the critic, and let the audience know occasionally when she didn't approve of a song.  And that Jenny girl in the show?  Bailey HATED her, and I mean by the very definition of the word.

It was a fantastic show and Bailey especially loved Mommy's favorite part, when Bert play a man of leisure to the Hustle.  YAY!  Nothing compares to that.

And there really was a reason we always went, even before Bailey existed.  It's just so much fun. :)

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