Thursday, February 15, 2007

The reality behind "That's Not Good"

One of Bailey's current favorite phrases is "That's not good."  When I hear this, I often fear for my life and my carpeting....the cat.  These are the kind of words that take a hold of me and send me into panic mode.  They're also the words that tattle on Bailey when she's done something wrong.  And just to give them yet another definition, they're what she uses to describe something she doesn't like at all.  Yeah, she uses this phrase aplenty.

Today, we were driving to a nearby city so we could do a little shopping and mostly get out of the house.  We had two cities in two different directions to choose from and it wasn't until we saw the sign, "accident ahead," that I started to think perhaps I'd chosen incorrectly.  They shut the road down and we took a slight detour on a gravel road full of ice and snow, which I was thrilled over, ha, and then as I felt the spite inside me for the inconvenience, I spotted things ahead that warranted me to point out a million other things to Bailey's attention.  Just when I thought I was succeeding I hear her little voice from the back say frankly, "that's not good."

No, it wasn't good at all.  And while Bailey was only stating her opinion of the smashed semi, I don't think she saw the obliterated vehicle 100 yards from it.  There wasn't much left of it, so she probably didn't know it was a car.  At that point, it just looked like a pile of blackened rubbish.  The semi hardly escaped unscathed though.  Its whole front was twisted right, smashed and scarred for life.  There wasn't any other scenery to note.  It'd obviously been there a while, and when we headed back through, it was finally gone. 

Bailey didn't speak anymore of the wrecked truck after that initial statement, and used her phrase at least two hundred and forty-nine more times throughout our afternoon adventure,like when she didn't like the blouses or dresses I was picking out, but I felt this experience was one worth mentioning in order to document a favorite phrase, second only to "I don't think so."  But that's another entry for another day...

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