Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Flowers, Waterfalls, and Lucky Ducks

On the 9th, Daddy took a half day and three of us went to the Kansas City Remodel and Metropolitan Lawn & Garden shows.  We coerced Bailey into attendance by telling her we would be seeing flowers and waterfalls which sparked her curiosity immensely.  Needless to mention, it wasn't difficult to get her into the mood.

Once we arrived, Bailey was immediately fascinated.  However, it didn't take long for her to evolve into her fainting goat routine every single time someone made the mistake of looking in her direction.  Always mildly humorous, she never ceases to steal the limelight, felony-style. 

But not only were there waterfalls and flowers, but there were real live baby ducks!  You should read the excerpt in the milestones section of her web page for more detail on this experience, but she sure did love those ducks.  Her fingers crawled to them, teasing the notion of touching them. 

As you will notice by the photo gallery, there was a train set, a crocodile, lawn equipment, fish, and landscaping covering the square footage of the American Royal.  Obviously plenty to see, Bailey had a grand time.

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