Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Parking Space


Last week in Kansas, before we left for Tampa, the weather was actually quite lovely.  It was a change from the bitter cold and much appreciated.  Since it'd been nice, on two different days, we went to two different parks.  These are some photos from both of those days.  And for a laugh, you should read the milestones on Bailey's website for added detail.

The Stork has been to our house

No, no, no.  You know better.  Bailey has been playing with her Little People zoo set lately.  It has suddenly become one of her favorite toys.  I think finding it under the bed really helped its cause.  Anyhow, what she has started to do is place each animal in this little tiny bronze pumpkin decoration we had out during Halloween (and it's still out because she loved it so).  After placing an animal in the pumpkin, she will bring it to us ever so carefully and say "look it's a baby ____, it's SO cute."  Sometimes there is an "awww" in there too.  It's darling to witness and she has us play along and asks us to pet it.  She'll also play a guessing game and see if we can identify each species.  Once I get it right she will say, "nice try mother."  Yes, she calls me Mother.  Ask me how crazy I am about that, okay?

Oink if you're Chinese!


That wasn't meant to be a statement out of prejudice, but it's the year of the Golden Pig!  On Sunday, February 18th, we celebrated the Chinese New Year as best we could.  Bailey made us sushi (courtesy of her wooden sushi set), we hung out with some zoo creatures, ate chocolate covered fortune cookies, wore chopsticks in fabulous ways including sticking them in a piggy bank, and practiced our samurai moves.  It was a fantastic way to bring in the New Year, pseudo-Chinese style.  And if you don't believe us, check out the pictures.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Flowers, Waterfalls, and Lucky Ducks

On the 9th, Daddy took a half day and three of us went to the Kansas City Remodel and Metropolitan Lawn & Garden shows.  We coerced Bailey into attendance by telling her we would be seeing flowers and waterfalls which sparked her curiosity immensely.  Needless to mention, it wasn't difficult to get her into the mood.

Once we arrived, Bailey was immediately fascinated.  However, it didn't take long for her to evolve into her fainting goat routine every single time someone made the mistake of looking in her direction.  Always mildly humorous, she never ceases to steal the limelight, felony-style. 

But not only were there waterfalls and flowers, but there were real live baby ducks!  You should read the excerpt in the milestones section of her web page for more detail on this experience, but she sure did love those ducks.  Her fingers crawled to them, teasing the notion of touching them. 

As you will notice by the photo gallery, there was a train set, a crocodile, lawn equipment, fish, and landscaping covering the square footage of the American Royal.  Obviously plenty to see, Bailey had a grand time.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Ever since I started my part-time job in mid-September, my spare time has been diminshed greatly into a big fat zero.  Mommy does not have evenings nor weekends.  She does have socialization, something that at times is a worthy trade, and other times, not.  holiday cards and e-mails have been put on the backburner, at times becoming non-extent, in case you hadn't noticed.

Without realizing it, I didn't take any photos at all on Valentine's Day, even with Bailey dressed the part.  We were supposed to go out that day, but Bailey chose otherwise.  Also, her real V-day present is on back order, so she received a balloon, a cupcake (which came with a Valentine's day duck), and a potty-training DVD all in a pretty bag.  Okay, so the balloon was tied to it.  The DVD was hardly a gift, but I felt like it was a subtle hint.  Ha.  I also have some heart bracelets that I keep forgetting to give her. 


Bailey's been busy working on her valentines, so be patient.  I'm sure you'll get them by next year....along with the Christmas thank-you cards. Ha.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The reality behind "That's Not Good"

One of Bailey's current favorite phrases is "That's not good."  When I hear this, I often fear for my life and my environment...my couch...my carpeting....the cat.  These are the kind of words that take a hold of me and send me into panic mode.  They're also the words that tattle on Bailey when she's done something wrong.  And just to give them yet another definition, they're what she uses to describe something she doesn't like at all.  Yeah, she uses this phrase aplenty.

Today, we were driving to a nearby city so we could do a little shopping and mostly get out of the house.  We had two cities in two different directions to choose from and it wasn't until we saw the sign, "accident ahead," that I started to think perhaps I'd chosen incorrectly.  They shut the road down and we took a slight detour on a gravel road full of ice and snow, which I was thrilled over, ha, and then as I felt the spite inside me for the inconvenience, I spotted things ahead that warranted me to point out a million other things to Bailey's attention.  Just when I thought I was succeeding I hear her little voice from the back say frankly, "that's not good."

No, it wasn't good at all.  And while Bailey was only stating her opinion of the smashed semi, I don't think she saw the obliterated vehicle 100 yards from it.  There wasn't much left of it, so she probably didn't know it was a car.  At that point, it just looked like a pile of blackened rubbish.  The semi hardly escaped unscathed though.  Its whole front was twisted right, smashed and scarred for life.  There wasn't any other scenery to note.  It'd obviously been there a while, and when we headed back through, it was finally gone. 

Bailey didn't speak anymore of the wrecked truck after that initial statement, and used her phrase at least two hundred and forty-nine more times throughout our afternoon adventure,like when she didn't like the blouses or dresses I was picking out, but I felt this experience was one worth mentioning in order to document a favorite phrase, second only to "I don't think so."  But that's another entry for another day...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Another Wondrous Day

We sure do have fun at that Wonderscope.  Tuesday was such a lovely day and spending it at Wonderscope was just fine by Bailey.  In fact, she didn't want to leave.  She threw the ultimate fit when it was time to go, and when I say time to go, I mean they were shutting the place down.  She fought so hard as I tried to place her in her car seat.  I even lost a chunk of hair, no thanks to her fierce fist.  But inside Wonderscope was where the good memories lie.  Bailey shopped for vegetables and fruits just for me, I sold her more oatmeal than even a third world country could eat, she decorated pizza galore, dirtied a diaper, danced over little children, glued hearts together, mended the ails of sick babies with the medicine of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and stole Mommy's shoe.  A day there is never wasted time.

Pictures you've never seen...and may never have...




Hopefully, you enjoy these.

Birthday Celebrations

Recently, Cousin Rebecca and Grandma Doni both had birthdays.  We attempted to celebrate both from afar, but Bailey doesn't always like to cooperate.  And since you won't believe any of that, we have photos.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sunny Days were here again....

So today was finally a beautiful day, but that has nothing to do with this entry.  no, this entry is pertaining to how our Saturday was spent, which was at Kemper Arena being entertained by mutant muppets, or at least their cousins.  Bailey attended her third installment of Sesame Street Live, while her mother went to one of many, many, many live shows.  Bailey loved it, well, mostly.  She's quite the critic, and let the audience know occasionally when she didn't approve of a song.  And that Jenny girl in the show?  Bailey HATED her, and I mean by the very definition of the word.

It was a fantastic show and Bailey especially loved Mommy's favorite part, when Bert play a man of leisure to the Hustle.  YAY!  Nothing compares to that.

And there really was a reason we always went, even before Bailey existed.  It's just so much fun. :)