Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Colorful Observation

If you ask Bailey what the color is of any random object, she seems to answer the first color she can think of, rarely correctly.  However, if she says it all on her own, she gets it right, 100% of the time.  I find that absolutely amazing.


Also, I'm going to be honest, I can't keep up with her new words anymore.  I try my hardest, and I mean that, more so than most I know who if their kids even speak five words they will be like, "Oh, I can't recall."  I try and try, and I'll think I've done superb record-tracking, but then I'll realize I left a word out that she started saying a few weeks before, or even longer.  Her vocabulary really is expanding so much.

Something I'm very strict on pointing out to anyone though, is that Bailey didn't start out having first words, she started with first sentences.  She really did.  You can give me that look, but it's been true since she even turned one year.  She almost always includes, "it's a ___," or "that's a____" or some other phrase with her words, and that has been true since she first learned to say them. 

So, while her vocabulary was still being enhanced, she still could construct sentences, she just learns new words continuously to fill in the blanks.  I've always found that remarkable.  And someone out there will say, "all kids do that," but no, they really don't.


I'll also admit that I love to brag.  Obviously.

Of course I took pictures

We had a really fantastic Memorial Day weekend.  I hope everyone else did too.  Bailey was appropriately dressed in patriotic colors as a fabulous start to the season.  We had hot dogs, watermelon, played in a sprinkler, and ate a lot of chips, so it felt like a true Memorial weekend.

We began the festivities Friday night by eating some ice cream at a local park and playing on the equipment.  Okay, so Bailey did most of the playing.  She really enjoyed herself though.


Saturday, we headed out to Topeka, Kansas and took the little Miss to Gage Park.  We went to the zoo, but it was a quick trip.  I referred to it as the Speedy Gonzalez version.  It was over 90 degrees, so I didn't want anyone passing out due to heat exhaustion.  After pointing at the giraffes, monkeys, some squirrels, and the birds inside the Observatory building, we bolted from that joint.

We went across the street to the playground area and rode the train for the first time ever.  It goes around the park and it's darling.  There's the sweetest old man as the engineer and he's been there for forty years!  Bailey seemed to really have a wonderful time sitting in the purple seats and seeing birds, squirrels, ducks, turtles, flowers, trees, and other things throughout the park.  After our awesome ride, we gave her FIVE minutes at the park because it was still extremely hot.  She decided to try to fit as much into that five minutes as humanly possible, and then some.  She didn't want to leave her slide she discovered, but we didn't give her much of a choice.  As for other things to do in Topeka, we stopped by a few stores, Toys 'R Us being one of them, and Bailey liked the coin rides they had.  She doesn't actually want us to put money in (she isn't particularly fond of them moving), she just likes sitting there.  One of them featured Zoe and Elmo, while the other was a train and she went back and forth a couple times, and then we said "bye bye" to them (which is an efficient method to leaving these sorts of situations).


Sunday was another mid-90s day, and we didn't even once entertain the notion of spending it outdoors.  Instead, we took Bailey bowling for the first time.  We haven't gone in years, Bailey hadn't gone ever, so you know those were some high-scoring games!  (Actually, we probably played better than we ever had, and we didn't even use bumpers for ourselves and no alcohol was involved! Ha!)  We went to the Incredi-Bowl out in Stanley. (Did you have any idea bowling was expensive?!) 

At first, Bailey wasn't sure what to think.  Then she was determined to attempt to carry 12 pound balls.  The rolling concept was somewhat foreign to her, but Daddy tried teaching her anyway.  The bumpers automatically would come up each time it was her turn, and after a while, Bailey caught on to part of the concept and really started to have a good time.  Then she wanted a snack, which was supplied courtesy of the vending machine, and then during the last frame, she decided kicking the ball might be the best way to go.  During this, she actually got a spare during the final frame!


Our evenings were spent with the dog outside and the company of her brand new Dora the Explorer water sprinkler.  Bailey had no problem allowing herself to get wet.  She liked running around the yard, especially if Mommy was involved.  We took turns chasing on another among the streams of water. 


Monday was a stormy day; a gloomy, icky stormy day.  We just stayed home, but by the evening it was nicer so we did get to go back outdoors.  Overall, we rate this weekend fairly high on the awesome family fun scale.


I hope you enjoy the photos!  There are plenty on her site too!


Monday, May 29, 2006

A Sticky Situation

Starting this past week, Bailey's been helping out even more around the house, literally.  We started a game using her snail wheel barrow that I so luckily found on clearance for $7.48 instead of its original $29.99 price tag.  This game involves picking up sticks and putting them in previously mentioned contraption.  She acts like I've done a huge service to her for allowing her to pick up the sticks in the yard.  She even thanks me for this privilege.  She actually asks permission to do this!  We'll be playing in the yard, and then she will suddenly ask to pick up sticks with hopeful eyes.  If only everyone showed this much gratitude when you allow them to do chores.  I'm hoping this keeps up FOREVER. 

(This started on Friday and she insists on doing it every chance she gets and we're running out of sticks.)


I suppose I could let other people use her lawn services...for a fee, of course.



Another thing, and everyone basically knows that children take most uses of language literally.  Well, during a brief conversation on Saturday with her father, I said something involving "stick with it," and Bailey had that familiar glow in her eyes, mixed with curiosity and asked about the sticks. 

The look on her face: "where are these sticks you speak of, and what are they with?"

I really must work on how I word things.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another comfy location.

This month, Bailey's gone through another phase of interesting napping locations.  Of course, I can't complain, because at least she's taken some naps, which unfortunately, isn't consistent.  Right now, she's found yet another warm and soft spot to sleep and the big surprise is that it's her bed, but ssssh, don't tell her.


She was in her room playing in her bed for a REALLY long time, putting her stuffed animals in bed and rearranging them a million different ways as though she was redecorating.  I asked myself how much longer I thought she'd be there, since she had been there for such a long time, then I wondered if she'd end up napping there, mostly as a joke to myself.  Then before I knew it, her eyes were closed, loud snoring coming from her little body, and her body was wrapped in furry critters.


And now here I am with a little free time, dishes loaded, laundry being washed and dried, toys to put away, and I'm taking what precious time I have to update Bailey fans alike with another adorable anecdote.


In case no one noticed, I've been posting more articles on Bailey's page, the most recent one being on Monday.  I have many more on my list, and I'm ever-so-slowly getting to them.  Also, if you're wondering what would be perfect for the little darling's birthday, and are stumped, I'll be posting an article about that very soon, since in 49 days (!), she'll be TWO!  It's unbelievable isn't it?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Gathering with Family

On Sunday, yet another beautiful day, we journeyed out to my Aunt Liz's house in Corder, Missouri for a family-filled picnic.  Aunt Donna, along with my cousin Traci and her daughter Mackenzie flew all the way from sunny Florida to visit, so the least we could do was go to see them.  :)

The event also attracted other family members, such as Uncle Daniel, Aunt Patsy, Cousin Lindsey momentarily, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Bertina, Cousin Jeffrey, Cousin John and his daughter Johnna and son Shaun, Cousin Wendy and her clan of four little girls (plus one friend) and her son Quentin, Uncle John, Aunt Belinda, Cousin Rikki and her son Zane.  Of course, Aunt Liz, Uncle Kenny, Uncle Al and Aunt Linda were all four there too, but well, they do happen to live there, so that could explain it.  It was quite the turn-out.

Our little miss acted very shy at first, keeping her head either toward Daddy's chest, or facing the ground.  But she quickly warmed up to everyone, and adored the dog Trudy, but that shouldn't surprise anyone. 

Once fourteen-month-old Mackenzie finally awoke from her nap, Bailey greeted her very surprisingly by attaching herself to the high chair and perching on the foot rest and facing Mackenzie, pointing out her anatomy and saying "hi" in such an unusual manner.

She also ended up being Bailey-napped for a short period by Wendy's daughters.  Bailey loves having an entourage and she didn't mind being lead into captivity either.


We were convinced Bailey would sleep on the way home after all the exercise and stimulation, but she managed to stay awake the entire car ride home, just talking away about her experiences of the day and reading her books.  I have no idea where she gets all of this energy from.


We really had such a fabulous time, in case you couldn't tell.

Animals Galore!

Saturday was such a gorgeous day and we found the Turkey Creek Festival off of Antioch to be a spectacular way to spend it.  While getting Bailey ready, we kept promising her goats.  We'd say, "do you want to see the goats?"  While driving, we'd also bribe her with the same phrase.  Maybe she had no idea what goats are, I'm not sure, but it was enough to keep her interested.  And why goats?  Because we knew that this particular festival has a petting zoo, at least it did when we went (still pregnant with her) and we were banking on them having it again.

Luckily, we were right and they indeed had goats, as well as donkeys, cows, sheep, a camel, a llama, a turtle, a giant bunny, lemurs, and MONKEYS!  The monkeys were just so funny and Bailey wanted to go pet them badly (but they're only for show).  The animals were full from all of their other hand feedings, but Bailey didn't mind just sprinkling the feed around in their cages.

Something else of interest for our little dear were the pony rides!  Bailey was so excited to meet the ponies.  We waited in line for a while with the sincerest promise that she could ride a "horse," and when her turn finally came, she was uncontrollable with delight.  She could ride it all by herself and never let it go!  Of course, Daddy was right there to catch her, but she was so enthralled by the experience.  This was truly a dream come true for her.  A REAL horse to ride instead of a German Shepherd!

And one more thing to add, while uploading the pictures for this entry, Bailey said kangaroo!

A little birdie...


In case anyone read the blog entry about Bailey and her little feathered friend and wondered where the photos I took were, here they are.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bath Buddy

Okay, so Bailey's taking her bath, just like normal.  We got her some of those Alphabet letters over the weekend, the kind that kids can stick on the sides of the tub.  They're Dora ones and I caught them on clearance, so it made it all the more exciting.  She was busy playing with those and I was sitting on the floor next to the tub edge.  She was playing with something, I couldn't see the actual water, and I didn't think anything of it until I got up off the floor to reach up and turn off the water and Bailey had a friend in the tub with her.


This wasn't just any friend, this was....




For anyone who knows me, I'm not a spider's biggest fan.  In fact, I'm so paranoid of these things, that I check the tub for them before either one of us gets in!  Well, Bailey's thrilled to have a "bug" playmate in the tub with her.  Since her mother was not, she was quickly scooped out of the tub so Mommy could have a duel with the eight-legged-vermin.  I won, with the help of a shampoo bottle, squishing it to the bottom of the tub.  My daughter?  She said, "Bye bye, bug!"


After I killed it, removed its floating body out of the water with a cup and dumped it in the toilet, Bailey wanted to return to the friendly waters, and I realized something truly alarming.  I'd just reacted in the worst possible way due to my own fear.  I freaked out over a spider, thinking it could bite her, because of course, all spiders are vicious little devils, and mostly because they're MY fear.  This child loves bugs, she fears nothing, and who am I to push a fear on her?  In front of my child, I killed something that she saw as a playmate, as creepy as that is.


Next time?  I need to take the same cup and scoop the thing out and flush it or something.  That way, "Bye bye bug" would be all the more appropriate and I'd feed a crocigator in the sewer.

And if there's not a next time?  Well, I hope she just forgets about squishing bugs.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hat Tricks

I thought some of you loyal blog readers would enjoy these photos.


A certain little miss (and I'm not one to name names) put her matching visor on ALL by herself.


As far as I know, this could be the latest trend.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

For the Birds

This evening, Bailey and I were outside, enjoying the nice temperature.  While she was sliding and climbing, I noticed something very close to where I was standing.  It was a little grayish black bird, just sitting in the grass.  When I stepped closer to him, he didn't even budge.  He was there for such a long time, it had me curious, and mostly interested in taking a photo, so I coerced my beautiful daughter into going inside with me so we could fetch the camera.  (It's hard to take a photo without it.)


When we returned, the bird was still there, just begging to be photographed.  I took many photos (big surprise), guarding it carefully, trying not to draw attention to what I was doing.  I certainly didn't want Miss B to encounter it.  It's hard to tell what she'd do to the poor thing and who knows what sorts of diseases it has.  Kaitlin approached the tiny thing, sniffing it, and then walking away, completely uninterested.


Well, there finally came the moment that Bailey spotted it.  I was standing right next to her, ready to pounce in case she thought she'd pick it up.  I told her only to say, "hi" to it, which she had no problem doing, including multiple waves with her greeting.  She's such a friendly lass.


After enough monitoring, I knew the bird was injured.  I explained this carefully to Bailey, telling her about the bird being hurt, and how he had an "owwie."  Now this is where the cutest thing happened and I was blown away.  Bailey crouched down a bit and said, "Awww, it's all right, bird.  It's all right."

I wasn't expecting that at all. 


The two had a lovely conversation.  The bird liked tweeting to her and she'd say, "Tweet Tweet," right back.  I didn't get any good photos of this, because I was afraid to leave her unintended, even a couple inches.  And since the poor beast was injured, it would hop and Bailey would say, "jump, bird, jump."  She said this over and over, and then tried to jump too, as though they were having a lesson.


It ended up hopping underneath the deck, where I wouldn't allow Bailey to follow, and then through our fence and next to a tree.  I'd like to think its wing will heal perfectly and it will be flying again by morning.  Any negativity on its health is unwelcomed.


But this was by far, one of the coolest experiences I have had with my daughter, ever.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bailey Does Dallas!

I finally finished my article on our Texas trip.  YAY ME!



I placed it on Bailey's site, but I'll warn you, it is a bit long-winded and sort of boring.  But what else would you expect from me?


Bailey knows full well what yogurt is, and today she tried to say it.  It sounded like, "OH-gurt," but I knew what she meant.


Saturday, while we were out, she was working on perfecting one of her latest words.  She had been calling dinosaurs "sores," but now the word sounds like, "denna-sore."  I was most definitely impressed.


Outside sounds like "out-sigh."


And Sunday, she called the camera "it's a pictures," several times once we got back home from Grandma and Grandpa's. 


As for any other words she's attempting, once I can think of them, I'll try to let you know.



Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Mother's Day

There's something special about being able to be included on mother's day, by getting to claim the title of "mother" as your very own. 


It really doesn't get much better than that.  Unless the lottery is involved somehow.  I did hit the kid jackpot though, and I'm perfectly okay with that.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Shopping, but nothing bought

Well, we went spent the day shopping.  I'm sure Bailey's father appreciated the events of today tremendously.  Most of all though, nothing was really bought, but a lot of browsing sure was accomplished and ice cream was eaten.  So all in all, it was a successful day.


I included a few pictures from the last two days, so enjoy.


Oh!  And Bailey's 22 months old as of today! YAY!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A little busy, but never too busy to shop

I haven't been myself this week.  Until today, I hadn't taken any pictures of Bailey (and I need to upload the ones I finally took).  Daddy was out of town for a conference until tonight, so I've been over booked with entertaining the little lass.


Now, I'm attempting to relax and gawk at Gymboree's website and look at my 30% off coupon with wide-eyes and wonder at what I should convince Bailey's father that we absolutely need.  Heh.  I also found some things we need from Old Navy.  Yes, WE NEED them.  It'll be fun relaying that message to Daddy.



Bailey hasn't really wanted to sleep this past week at all.  She's gone nap-less as well as stayed up until the wee small hours of the morning (Thank you, Frank Sinatra).  I was reading an article today that stressed the importance of toddlers and twelve hours of sleep and making groans and nasty sounds towards the magazine article.  I think I even scoffed.  I'm not sure we've ever experienced a twelve-hours-of-sleep-night with our child once.  And if we have, I'm quite sorry we've forgotten it.  But I made sure to also share the article with my toddler, explaining to her that it's important and that she should follow it strictly.  To that, she said, "babies," and pointed to the ones shown in the article and then started flipping through it, pointing out other miscellaneous objects throughout its glossy pages.


Another thing to note, Mother's Day is approaching.  Someone should remind Bailey's father to buy a card.

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Constant Surprises

I'm not sure why I ever underestimate Bailey.  I make this mistake sometimes, and then I receive such a surprise.


For months now, I've thought, "why doesn't Bailey make the animal sounds?"  I even wondered if I wasn't working with her enough.  She definitely can do the "moo" and pant like a dog, but I thought that was it.  Oh pardon me, she also knows that lions, tigers and dinosaurs (oh my!) roar.  When she sees their photos, she goes, "ROAR!!"  (She also does this if you ask her what they say.)


Well, I should stop second guessing the two of us because today, Bailey proved that she can meow, bark, quack, and tweet, and those are only the ones I asked her.  I asked, "what does a cat say?"  And she meowed several times.  And she followed suit with the other animals as well.  I was certainly shocked, but extremely proud.  It's amazing at just how many skills she keeps hidden from me.


I was also afraid that I wasn't giving her enough opportunities for pretend play.  I see other children do these things, and wonder if I'm doing enough for her, and I should just stop worrying about that too.  Give her a cup and plastic teapot, and she can magically make tea and drink it.  Give her an empty plate, and there's food she can eat and it's "yummy."  Give her toy tools, and she can fix almost anything.


Give her a doll...and she can throw it and beat it.  Okay, so we still have to work on that one.  And no, she didn't learn that from me.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Our Little Boy

We always promised ourselves during the pregnancy, and heck, probably even before, that no matter what sex our child was, we wouldn't pressure any certain gender roles on him or her.  Of course, it's hard to actually keep that promise when you think of pink princess things, adorable dolls, dress up clothes and little pink tu-tus.

Sometimes, all that flies out the window when you find your daughter playing with toy drills and driving toy cars around and saying, "weee," and "vroom." While you're laughing, she's also crazy about anything related to a sport  and she does seem to have a fascination for trains and airplanes.  I have a feeling that even though we have a daughter, we may not be exempt from buying Thomas the tank engine toys.  Please pray for us; that stuff is expensive!

All joking and fear aside, Bailey definitely is still our little princess, but she's so much more than that.  She's everything we could ever have hoped for in a child.


And then some.

Friday, May 5, 2006


Most who know me, know this Mommy is a nut when it comes to holidays.  Okay, so I'm a nut when it comes to almost everything.

Well, today is Cinco de Mayo and of course, we had to celebrate.  For dinner, we had quesadillas, beef enchiladas, rice, virgin Sangria to drink, and fried ice cream for dessert.  We were also attempting virgin Margaritas, but Bailey got really tired and cranky, and we decided to save it for another time.  Besides, any holiday celebration can spread over several days.  There's no concrete rule.  And if there is, please refrain from telling me about it.

We also missed taking some super fabulous and stereotypical sombrero photos.  Those will have to await another day as well. 


...You know, it wouldn't kill the rest of you to participate just a little on these holidays. 

But I know how everyone just lives vicariously through us, and that's okay.  Live away.

It may be Cinco de Mayo, but not if you're Jewish

Well, okay, so we're not actually Jewish either, but Bailey is trying to say "dreidel."  It comes out sounding more like, "drag-gull," but it's hilarious. 


How did this come up?  She wanted me to spin the dreidel on Cinco de Mayo.  And yes, she really does have a toy dreidel.  Don't mock us.


We have such a cultured child.  The world could stand to learn more from her.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Our Big Adventure: Texas-Style

I do realize just how many pictures there are in that folder!  A lot of them are in there for Lisa's sake until I get them sent to her, but everyone is entitled to enjoy them. 


I also updated Bailey's website in the April photos section, none of them the same from the album to your left.  The milestones section also has a bunch of new things added.   As for any fun stories from our trip, they will come soon, I promise.