Tuesday, April 25, 2006


On Sunday, Bailey and I headed out to give Daddy some much-needed time to work on a project.  Later, I asked myself why I didn't just kick him out to work on it, but that's neither here nor there.  Okay, so it sort of is.  Ha!


I made the quite daring move into taking Bailey to her very first theater-movie, Ice Age 2.  I watched it the night before with Brooke, and since we needed to give Daddy some time to work (again with the thoughts of him leaving, heh) I thought perhaps we could try it.  It wasn't my most confident move.

Bailey had liked the commercials a lot though, and before a DVD there was a preview for the movie and she had laughed hysterically at.  Still, I made sure that day (Sunday) to sit in here on our laps and watch the movie trailers 2,378,674 times to make sure she'd be interested.  She indeed was.

Sleeping on the way there, which I thought was a good move, we got to the movie theater just a few minutes before the next showing (which was exactly what I wanted).  Bailey woke up the second I parked the car and I lured her into the theater with the promise of popcorn since she had no clue where we were. 

Mommy:  "Bailey do you want some popcorn?"

Bailey: (claps) "Of course!"


We got our tickets, our popcorn, found our seats (in front of the railing), and then I needed to go to the bathroom.  Bailey threw a fit in there because she wanted her popcorn (which we left inside the theater).  "My corn. My corn!"


Apparently, we starve the poor child because she ate almost an entire small bag of popcorn.  And what she didn't eat then, she ate later in the car, cold and gross.  Yuck.


So, we're watching the movie and she's chowing down on her popcorn.  She enjoyed pointing out the critters (or making up names for them) and exclaiming "WOW!", "WHOA!", "A ROCK!  OOH A ROCK!", or "WEEEE!"  It was sort of cute, I must admit.  She was doing swell, then got out of her seat and stood in front of the railing, climbing it and scaring me, all the while, watching the movie.  But all good things must come to an end.  We had to exit the theater a couple times, but we'd return to the movie and all would be well in the movie world again.  Then she started getting anxious again and during that time, my drink went flying, deliberately, which did not make me happy at all.  I was humiliated and asking myself what would ever possess me to do this to myself.  Of course, it wasn't that bad, but still.  So, I sit her back down in her seat, but that didn't work, so we exited a third time.  This time, we were out much longer, and then she BEGGED to go back inside.  So against my intuition, we did.  She walked very sweetly to our same seats and crawled into her seat and sat down and looked perfectly angelic.  TWO seconds later she got up and SCREAMED (and not a scream of happiness) and I grabbed her and we exited stage left (actually, it was right) and immediately left the building.


After our theater experience, we stopped into Petsmart and Bailey was loving the fish and telling me what colors the birds were (a few labeled correctly).  We also saw part of a dog-training school and found the cats.  After enough time spent there, torturing the animals, we headed to Target, and after that, another Target (yay!), dinner, and then finally to Brooke's house to stop by and say "hi."


But not everything is done the way we intend. 


Bailey absolutely loved hanging out with Brooke's cocker spaniel, Scout.  They knocked each other down, played chase, a few licks were probably exchanged, and Bailey was told too many times to not even consider riding him like a horse.

So, I was thinking it was time to leave, Bailey was not.  I checked the time in the front of the car, which involved opening the door, sitting Bailey in the front seat for a second (and she was adamantly fighting this because she didn't want to leave).  We were going inside for a little bit, but I wanted to grab the camera since I hadn't taken any photos of Bailey and Scout together.  I go to open the door and to no avail, they're locked.  The problem with this?  The keys were sitting in my purse inside the passenger side (yes, swift, I know) and it's a RENTAL car!  While Bailey had been kicking in a fury, the locks must have gotten touched inside.  This made soda thrown in a theater seem like, well, spilled soda.


We called Daddy from Brooke's phone since my cell phone was locked safely in the car and talked to the roadside assistance people.  Bailey tried her best to break things in Brooke's house and helped herself to some Lucky Charms from her cabinet.  The child obviously has no problems whatsoever making herself at home in somebody else's house.


After waiting for a while for someone to get there, it took the guy a whole three minutes to get the door unlocked and get back into his truck.  Bailey told him "thank you," and we headed home, very exhausted from our day.


Hopefully, this Mommy has learned her lesson.


(Although, funny-scary thing, I was on the phone when we got home, and sat in the car for a bit in the driveway since Bailey was fast asleep in back.  This guy walked by, so instinctively, I locked the doors since it was at night.  I get out of the car and go to get Bailey out and the back door is locked.  I see the keys (again inside!) and was freaked out thinking I did it all over again (with my daughter asleep in the back at night without the windows cracked, no less), not even an hour after the guy unlocked the car in the first place.  Much to my relief though, the door opened.  Whew.


Okay, so now let's really pray I've learned my lesson.

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