Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Artist at Work

I'm a little late updating the B's blog about how fantastic Easter egg painting went.  This child is just awesome.  Freakin' fabulous, even.  She went about it as though she has always known how to do it, as though she'd done it before.  And to our knowledge, she hasn't.

But Saturday night, quite late into the evening, it suddenly dawned on me that we had completely forgotten all about boiling and decorating eggs.  (It must have been the craziness from the Friday I have yet to share.  One of our cars decided to blow out their engine.  Fun!)  So in a frenzy, we boiled eggs and brought out the dye.  The only kink in this celebratory-art maneuver was that Daddy (who insisted upon following the directions to boil eggs he found on and not the ones Mommy remembered) didn't get the eggs boiled quite right.  We didn't know this until Bailey dropped one of her artistic gems onto the table.  And once she knew how to break them, art time was officially over and bath time had begun.  That'll teach us to check the eggs first....


She enjoyed this experience SO much, last night, we picked up a couple more kits on clearance just in case the notion to recreate this experience should enter our minds.  Bailey had this same thought and last night, she spotted the kit on the counter and threw a good fit exclaiming and begging, and amidst all this anger we heard the words "YELLOW," "PAINT," "EGGS."

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