Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter: Hudson Style

We had a rough night before Easter morning came, but our little Miss B shook it off and had the most fabulous Easter ever.  Of course, this was only her second...


The Easter Bunny left Bailey three things in her basket she'd been using: a Peter Rabbit book, A Bible stories book, and a big red and blue Easter egg.  What her basket indoors lacked, the backyard more than made up for.  Low and behold, the Easter Bunny hid lots of Dora and princess eggs in the backyard and left something else that wasn't there before- a new sand box, full of all sorts of sand toys.  Once Bailey spotted that, the Easter egg hunting expedition took a rest.


After she finished getting sand in every inch of her shoes and outfit, we dressed her into more Easter attire and headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Lunch was fantastic and Kona and Bailey were marvelous entertainment as they awaited going outside.  They were practically salivating at the thought of being released into the wild of Grandma and Grandpa's yard, free to find Easter eggs. 

Once the door was finally opened, Bailey passed on the egg hunting (eh, she'd done it already) and instead explored other areas like looking for turtles, playing in the yard, and getting messy in the sand box.

She started back up again, finally putting a few more eggs in her basket, but her heart wasn't in it for long.  She also had fun checking out Kona's ATV, riding it with him, and playing baseball with Uncle Jeff. 


By the way Grandma and Grandpa, thanks for the basket!  (She received a small jumping bunny, some M&Ms, and a bag of goldfish crackers she's almost completely devoured).  And Grandpa, if you're reading this, when Bailey sees the photos with you in them, she covers her eyes! :)


Oh, and now, she's trying to say, "Kona" when I ask her who is in the photos.  We'd practice this more often, but ahem, the only recent photos we have of him...we took.  And yes, that was a hint!


Well, as for anything else, hopefully I'll find time later to add it.  I hope the rest of you had Easters just as perfect as ours.


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