Monday, April 10, 2006

A few pictures to make up for my lack of updates...

Yeah, just a "few" pictures.  If you haven't noticed, I always manage to expand on the word, "few."

On Sunday, Bailey's Grandparents came out to visit since they haven't seen her ALL YEAR long.  Something about Phoenix and warm weather and retirement, whatever that is...

We went to lunch and then to a local egg hunt.  The egg hunt was fine other than them telling the wrong time, being an hour off, then making the children wait even longer, then having the youngest children go last, on the tennis court.  The people who thought of this concept, either lack children, or have long since forgotten what young children are like.  Trauma can do that to a person.  Bailey handled it though the best she could, but putting candy out right in front of toddlers and telling them they need to wait another thirty minutes is just cruel.  It really would be more humane to just have them work for Nike.  At least Nike pays.  That nickel an hour is better than torture any day.


Bailey later found Grandpa's shoulder to be a fantastic pillow.  He really minded that, yeah.  And in case you didn't realize it, sarcasm was intended.


If you're curious where we were on Saturday, we attempted to take Bailey to an egg hunt in Overland Park, but that didn't work out, which was A-okay.  We still got to the park there though, and she found an Easter Bunny.  She went right up to him and she didn't have any plans to ever leave until the assistant picked her up and set her down to send her on her way.  Bailey gave her the nastiest look too.  This child is such a plushy and furry fan, I'm afraid she's going to wind up in some funky convention parties in Vegas someday.  I shudder at the thought...but hey, that was an awesome C.S.I. episode.  Shame on you for having no clue what I'm typing about and love and jelly beans to the few of you who do!


I don't know what else to tell you right now.  You're certainly lucky I typed all of this out though. I was initially only going to share photos.

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