Saturday, April 1, 2006

Good Laughs.

For those of you with a sense of humor, almost as wicked as mine, I adore you.

Although, I've never been called quite as many different names as I was today.  Hmm...I wonder why.

And if you didn't notice, yeah, today is April Fool's Day.  After I put my twisted plot into play, the THREE of us headed to Topeka to Gage Park where Bailey had a fabulous time dodging running boys and crawling through tunnels.  She even found a piece of candy she thought she'd eat, but who knows what kind of diseases it had.  Luckily, her plans were foiled yet again.

We also made a trip to Toys 'R Us.  We didn't buy any toys (only vapor bath stuff), but we still had a grand time.  Bailey's still at this fabulous stage where we can go into a store and not argue about buying anything (unless it's with the cashier over scanning a particular item).  It's still enough for her to just explore every aisle.  Sure, we pick things up, but it's just as much fun for her to put it back.  If only that stage would last forever...


As for other notes, her vocabulary is expanding almost hourly.  She likes to repeat most of the words we say, to the best of her abilities.  She has an extreme interest in colors and she's learning even more parts of the body, besides just your basic ears, nose, mouth, and eyes which she's known since she was even fifteen months?  Maybe even earlier.  She says them though, except "ears."  She's working on that one, with it currently sounding more like "ayz.".  She also knows teeth, hair, tongue, chin, chest, legs, toes, fingers, hands, and probably some other parts in between.


She has quite a few words she's trying to say, but hasn't quite mastered.  She's still working on "penguin," which sometimes sounds closer to "ping" or "pin'en."  Butterfly is "buh' ly."  Tractor is "treck-er."  Bath is "bah," or "bat," depending on the day.   I'm sure I'm leaving out a ton of others, but those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


She finally moos like acow.  I've been impatiently awaitingthe animal sounds.  She knows which animals do which sounds, but she never ever imitates them.  I've been longing for this milestone for SO long.  The closest she'd do was panting like a dog, and that wasn't what I had in mind, although, it's adorable when she does it.

One of my new favorite things my genius does is she has started telling me what she's drawing, well, asking me.  She'll draw something and ask me, "what's that?"  I'll tell her that I don't know, so she'll tell me.  She'll tell me it's a star, or a "B," or something I have never heard of.  It's just magical that she does this.  I honestly don't think it's because she has the imaginative capacity of thinking she'd drawn that, so much as it is her imitating what we do.  When we write on paper we'll ask her what we drew, or we'll tell her: "It says 'Bailey.'"  "That's a 'B.'"  "That's a circle."


As for anything else she's doing, well, she's doing a lot.  She's amazing.  What more do you want?  What more can you expect from our child?  And she's even greaten than we are; and yeah, well, we're absolutely fantastic, so you know she's totally stellar.


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