Thursday, April 27, 2006


In just a couple of hours, we'll be in the air above Kansas City, taking the little Miss on her first flight.  Be please keep us in your thoughts as the comfort of all the other passengers is in Bailey's hands.


There should be an update when we get back.  As for Lisa, we'll see you soon!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Quick update, bitterness detected.

Today, Bailey and I finally put to use our Wonderscope membership that we received for Christmas.


Considering she now has a toe in pain and a very interesting went... honestly, not as well as hoped.


There's always next time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006




This is a gorgeous picture, yeah? 



Well, I went to pick up her photos last night to discover that the 5x7 and 8x10 versions were so out of focus, they were junk.  I wanted to cry.  It was the only photo I wanted in an 8x10.  Unfortunately, for a couple of you, that was your picture too, even though you didn't know it, and since they were forcing me to reorder, I opted to not do so.  I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with anything else, especially a seasonal bunny picture as my 8x10.  Plus, with them forcing me, that made me all the more angry.  I took a store credit instead, since they won't give money back for their errors.  Now I just have to make sure I save my store sheet.  Joy.


On Sunday, Bailey and I headed out to give Daddy some much-needed time to work on a project.  Later, I asked myself why I didn't just kick him out to work on it, but that's neither here nor there.  Okay, so it sort of is.  Ha!


I made the quite daring move into taking Bailey to her very first theater-movie, Ice Age 2.  I watched it the night before with Brooke, and since we needed to give Daddy some time to work (again with the thoughts of him leaving, heh) I thought perhaps we could try it.  It wasn't my most confident move.

Bailey had liked the commercials a lot though, and before a DVD there was a preview for the movie and she had laughed hysterically at.  Still, I made sure that day (Sunday) to sit in here on our laps and watch the movie trailers 2,378,674 times to make sure she'd be interested.  She indeed was.

Sleeping on the way there, which I thought was a good move, we got to the movie theater just a few minutes before the next showing (which was exactly what I wanted).  Bailey woke up the second I parked the car and I lured her into the theater with the promise of popcorn since she had no clue where we were. 

Mommy:  "Bailey do you want some popcorn?"

Bailey: (claps) "Of course!"


We got our tickets, our popcorn, found our seats (in front of the railing), and then I needed to go to the bathroom.  Bailey threw a fit in there because she wanted her popcorn (which we left inside the theater).  "My corn. My corn!"


Apparently, we starve the poor child because she ate almost an entire small bag of popcorn.  And what she didn't eat then, she ate later in the car, cold and gross.  Yuck.


So, we're watching the movie and she's chowing down on her popcorn.  She enjoyed pointing out the critters (or making up names for them) and exclaiming "WOW!", "WHOA!", "A ROCK!  OOH A ROCK!", or "WEEEE!"  It was sort of cute, I must admit.  She was doing swell, then got out of her seat and stood in front of the railing, climbing it and scaring me, all the while, watching the movie.  But all good things must come to an end.  We had to exit the theater a couple times, but we'd return to the movie and all would be well in the movie world again.  Then she started getting anxious again and during that time, my drink went flying, deliberately, which did not make me happy at all.  I was humiliated and asking myself what would ever possess me to do this to myself.  Of course, it wasn't that bad, but still.  So, I sit her back down in her seat, but that didn't work, so we exited a third time.  This time, we were out much longer, and then she BEGGED to go back inside.  So against my intuition, we did.  She walked very sweetly to our same seats and crawled into her seat and sat down and looked perfectly angelic.  TWO seconds later she got up and SCREAMED (and not a scream of happiness) and I grabbed her and we exited stage left (actually, it was right) and immediately left the building.


After our theater experience, we stopped into Petsmart and Bailey was loving the fish and telling me what colors the birds were (a few labeled correctly).  We also saw part of a dog-training school and found the cats.  After enough time spent there, torturing the animals, we headed to Target, and after that, another Target (yay!), dinner, and then finally to Brooke's house to stop by and say "hi."


But not everything is done the way we intend. 


Bailey absolutely loved hanging out with Brooke's cocker spaniel, Scout.  They knocked each other down, played chase, a few licks were probably exchanged, and Bailey was told too many times to not even consider riding him like a horse.

So, I was thinking it was time to leave, Bailey was not.  I checked the time in the front of the car, which involved opening the door, sitting Bailey in the front seat for a second (and she was adamantly fighting this because she didn't want to leave).  We were going inside for a little bit, but I wanted to grab the camera since I hadn't taken any photos of Bailey and Scout together.  I go to open the door and to no avail, they're locked.  The problem with this?  The keys were sitting in my purse inside the passenger side (yes, swift, I know) and it's a RENTAL car!  While Bailey had been kicking in a fury, the locks must have gotten touched inside.  This made soda thrown in a theater seem like, well, spilled soda.


We called Daddy from Brooke's phone since my cell phone was locked safely in the car and talked to the roadside assistance people.  Bailey tried her best to break things in Brooke's house and helped herself to some Lucky Charms from her cabinet.  The child obviously has no problems whatsoever making herself at home in somebody else's house.


After waiting for a while for someone to get there, it took the guy a whole three minutes to get the door unlocked and get back into his truck.  Bailey told him "thank you," and we headed home, very exhausted from our day.


Hopefully, this Mommy has learned her lesson.


(Although, funny-scary thing, I was on the phone when we got home, and sat in the car for a bit in the driveway since Bailey was fast asleep in back.  This guy walked by, so instinctively, I locked the doors since it was at night.  I get out of the car and go to get Bailey out and the back door is locked.  I see the keys (again inside!) and was freaked out thinking I did it all over again (with my daughter asleep in the back at night without the windows cracked, no less), not even an hour after the guy unlocked the car in the first place.  Much to my relief though, the door opened.  Whew.


Okay, so now let's really pray I've learned my lesson.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The City of Fountains...and escalators

The three of us were on the Plaza today checking out the fountains, eating California Pizza Kitchen, and visiting the Three Dog Bakery. 


Bailey didn't eat much at lunch, so we headed to McDonald's to try some fries.  Super healthy, I know.  On our way there, we had to stop by Gymboree (only because I wouldn't stop begging) and while there, Bailey threw a tantrum because she wasn't allowed to play in the water fountain.  Imagine that.


She'd been in the car way too long, then straight to eating, so she wanted to be free to explore.  In the building McDonald's is in, is a huge foyer with escalators.  Upstairs is a movie theater, but that was hardly of any interest to our midget.  Oh no.  She just wanted to play on the escalator, over and over again.

After she finally got that out of her system, we stopped by the doggie bakery where Bailey saw, "cake."  We had to explain to her they weren't for Baileys (even though their dog there is named Bailey and one of the cakes had "Bailey" on it, not that she can read, but still).  The doggie treats are made without wheat so we thought maybe that meant Grandma Hudson could eat them since she can't have wheat.  Of course, she may not find them tasty though...


As for any other highlights of today, I'm stumped.  However, I did include a couple photos!

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Shape of Things

Bailey knows exactly what triangles are and tries to say the word ever so cutely.  The pronunciation varies, but it's adorable to hear, and amazing too.


She also says, "circle," but doesn't always match it up with the correct shape.  She's  showing an interest in figuring out the rectangle and I find her studying the oval ever so closely.  The oval resembles an egg, in case you haven't noticed, so usually it's an egg to her.


And we've known the shape of a star for so long that I'm not even sure why I'm mentioning it.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Bailey says, "push" when she's actually pulling.



Oh, and I added a new article on Bailey's page.  Hopefully more to come soon....

The Artist at Work

I'm a little late updating the B's blog about how fantastic Easter egg painting went.  This child is just awesome.  Freakin' fabulous, even.  She went about it as though she has always known how to do it, as though she'd done it before.  And to our knowledge, she hasn't.

But Saturday night, quite late into the evening, it suddenly dawned on me that we had completely forgotten all about boiling and decorating eggs.  (It must have been the craziness from the Friday I have yet to share.  One of our cars decided to blow out their engine.  Fun!)  So in a frenzy, we boiled eggs and brought out the dye.  The only kink in this celebratory-art maneuver was that Daddy (who insisted upon following the directions to boil eggs he found on and not the ones Mommy remembered) didn't get the eggs boiled quite right.  We didn't know this until Bailey dropped one of her artistic gems onto the table.  And once she knew how to break them, art time was officially over and bath time had begun.  That'll teach us to check the eggs first....


She enjoyed this experience SO much, last night, we picked up a couple more kits on clearance just in case the notion to recreate this experience should enter our minds.  Bailey had this same thought and last night, she spotted the kit on the counter and threw a good fit exclaiming and begging, and amidst all this anger we heard the words "YELLOW," "PAINT," "EGGS."

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter: Hudson Style

We had a rough night before Easter morning came, but our little Miss B shook it off and had the most fabulous Easter ever.  Of course, this was only her second...


The Easter Bunny left Bailey three things in her basket she'd been using: a Peter Rabbit book, A Bible stories book, and a big red and blue Easter egg.  What her basket indoors lacked, the backyard more than made up for.  Low and behold, the Easter Bunny hid lots of Dora and princess eggs in the backyard and left something else that wasn't there before- a new sand box, full of all sorts of sand toys.  Once Bailey spotted that, the Easter egg hunting expedition took a rest.


After she finished getting sand in every inch of her shoes and outfit, we dressed her into more Easter attire and headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Lunch was fantastic and Kona and Bailey were marvelous entertainment as they awaited going outside.  They were practically salivating at the thought of being released into the wild of Grandma and Grandpa's yard, free to find Easter eggs. 

Once the door was finally opened, Bailey passed on the egg hunting (eh, she'd done it already) and instead explored other areas like looking for turtles, playing in the yard, and getting messy in the sand box.

She started back up again, finally putting a few more eggs in her basket, but her heart wasn't in it for long.  She also had fun checking out Kona's ATV, riding it with him, and playing baseball with Uncle Jeff. 


By the way Grandma and Grandpa, thanks for the basket!  (She received a small jumping bunny, some M&Ms, and a bag of goldfish crackers she's almost completely devoured).  And Grandpa, if you're reading this, when Bailey sees the photos with you in them, she covers her eyes! :)


Oh, and now, she's trying to say, "Kona" when I ask her who is in the photos.  We'd practice this more often, but ahem, the only recent photos we have of him...we took.  And yes, that was a hint!


Well, as for anything else, hopefully I'll find time later to add it.  I hope the rest of you had Easters just as perfect as ours.


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Warm & Cozy.

Yesterday, Bailey had the pleasure of finding her THIRD Easter Bunny of the year.  We were grabbing a few things at our grocery store, and there was not only a bunny, but a lamb AND a frog (although she calls frogs "turtles," even though if you ask her to point to a frog, she can quite easily).  Of course, due to her plushy and furry fetish, she had absolutely no problem cuddling up with them and having a lovely visit with her three new friends.  Luckily, I had my camera with me.  (I didn't want to leave it in the car, despite having locks.)


That was only one highlight of yesterday.  Hopefully, I'll find time to share more later on.  Be patient.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Few Details

Today was a very long day, well, I guess it's now technically "yesterday."  Regardless, it was a long day.  I'll share more details at a later time.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Many Faces of the Easter Bunny



Who knew one bunny could make that many faces?!?

Monday, April 10, 2006

A few pictures to make up for my lack of updates...

Yeah, just a "few" pictures.  If you haven't noticed, I always manage to expand on the word, "few."

On Sunday, Bailey's Grandparents came out to visit since they haven't seen her ALL YEAR long.  Something about Phoenix and warm weather and retirement, whatever that is...

We went to lunch and then to a local egg hunt.  The egg hunt was fine other than them telling the wrong time, being an hour off, then making the children wait even longer, then having the youngest children go last, on the tennis court.  The people who thought of this concept, either lack children, or have long since forgotten what young children are like.  Trauma can do that to a person.  Bailey handled it though the best she could, but putting candy out right in front of toddlers and telling them they need to wait another thirty minutes is just cruel.  It really would be more humane to just have them work for Nike.  At least Nike pays.  That nickel an hour is better than torture any day.


Bailey later found Grandpa's shoulder to be a fantastic pillow.  He really minded that, yeah.  And in case you didn't realize it, sarcasm was intended.


If you're curious where we were on Saturday, we attempted to take Bailey to an egg hunt in Overland Park, but that didn't work out, which was A-okay.  We still got to the park there though, and she found an Easter Bunny.  She went right up to him and she didn't have any plans to ever leave until the assistant picked her up and set her down to send her on her way.  Bailey gave her the nastiest look too.  This child is such a plushy and furry fan, I'm afraid she's going to wind up in some funky convention parties in Vegas someday.  I shudder at the thought...but hey, that was an awesome C.S.I. episode.  Shame on you for having no clue what I'm typing about and love and jelly beans to the few of you who do!


I don't know what else to tell you right now.  You're certainly lucky I typed all of this out though. I was initially only going to share photos.

An Egg!

Well, I have a lot to update, but I'll do that later.  I'm going to do this one right now though because it's so appropriate to Easter.


We were just now outside and Bailey spotted an egg.  She really did.  In front of us on the ground was a little white egg.  She was so excited and before I could stop her, she grabbed the already-cracked egg and squished it.


That's pretty gross!


So ten minutes and lots of soap and water later, I can now share this disgusting tale with you.

Friday, April 7, 2006

Such a gorgeous week!


Bailey and I have been getting lots of play time in.  I mean, with such fabulous weather, what else would we do? 

Well, I guess we could've gone to London to visit the Queen, but we didn't do that.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Bonus Pictures from Yesterday!



Enjoy, loyal blog-readers!

Monday, April 3, 2006

What's Hopping?

Well, Bailey hung out with the Easter Bunny today.  She sat on his lap for a good 8 minutes, at least.  They were getting along fabulously.  Then she decided she was done, and we paid the nice people for our photo souvenir.


Oh, and she wasn't being nice to her pigtails at all.

Sunday, April 2, 2006

It's Friday, I'm in Love



You can always leave it to The Cure for a good 80s least most of the time.  So while you're browsing through the following photos from Friday, you can use that song as your soundtrack, okay?

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Good Laughs.

For those of you with a sense of humor, almost as wicked as mine, I adore you.

Although, I've never been called quite as many different names as I was today.  Hmm...I wonder why.

And if you didn't notice, yeah, today is April Fool's Day.  After I put my twisted plot into play, the THREE of us headed to Topeka to Gage Park where Bailey had a fabulous time dodging running boys and crawling through tunnels.  She even found a piece of candy she thought she'd eat, but who knows what kind of diseases it had.  Luckily, her plans were foiled yet again.

We also made a trip to Toys 'R Us.  We didn't buy any toys (only vapor bath stuff), but we still had a grand time.  Bailey's still at this fabulous stage where we can go into a store and not argue about buying anything (unless it's with the cashier over scanning a particular item).  It's still enough for her to just explore every aisle.  Sure, we pick things up, but it's just as much fun for her to put it back.  If only that stage would last forever...


As for other notes, her vocabulary is expanding almost hourly.  She likes to repeat most of the words we say, to the best of her abilities.  She has an extreme interest in colors and she's learning even more parts of the body, besides just your basic ears, nose, mouth, and eyes which she's known since she was even fifteen months?  Maybe even earlier.  She says them though, except "ears."  She's working on that one, with it currently sounding more like "ayz.".  She also knows teeth, hair, tongue, chin, chest, legs, toes, fingers, hands, and probably some other parts in between.


She has quite a few words she's trying to say, but hasn't quite mastered.  She's still working on "penguin," which sometimes sounds closer to "ping" or "pin'en."  Butterfly is "buh' ly."  Tractor is "treck-er."  Bath is "bah," or "bat," depending on the day.   I'm sure I'm leaving out a ton of others, but those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


She finally moos like acow.  I've been impatiently awaitingthe animal sounds.  She knows which animals do which sounds, but she never ever imitates them.  I've been longing for this milestone for SO long.  The closest she'd do was panting like a dog, and that wasn't what I had in mind, although, it's adorable when she does it.

One of my new favorite things my genius does is she has started telling me what she's drawing, well, asking me.  She'll draw something and ask me, "what's that?"  I'll tell her that I don't know, so she'll tell me.  She'll tell me it's a star, or a "B," or something I have never heard of.  It's just magical that she does this.  I honestly don't think it's because she has the imaginative capacity of thinking she'd drawn that, so much as it is her imitating what we do.  When we write on paper we'll ask her what we drew, or we'll tell her: "It says 'Bailey.'"  "That's a 'B.'"  "That's a circle."


As for anything else she's doing, well, she's doing a lot.  She's amazing.  What more do you want?  What more can you expect from our child?  And she's even greaten than we are; and yeah, well, we're absolutely fantastic, so you know she's totally stellar.


Big Big News!



Go to Bailey's site, or to for more information!