Sunday, March 12, 2006


Friday, Bailey and I kidnapped Daddy from his office and the three of us headed out to the Auto Show.  What a fascinating time for Bailey!  I mean, imagine her surprise to discover...CARS were at the auto show.  She loved pointing to all of the "cars" and running around on the carpeting.  She had to feel the carpet too.  Very plush.

We received a plentiful supply of compliments (shocker) and one woman told me I need to get her into commercials.  (I'll pass.)

But she definitely liked checking out the cars, trucks and the Mercedes Benz emblem.  Very cool.


...And no, we didn't buy anything. 


But we did have ice cream later, and then play Oak Park Mall in the play area, and then found Bailey's Easter dress.

We always know how to pack in a day of fun.

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