Thursday, March 23, 2006

Out and About, a Must.

All throughout yesterday, our darling daughter was very interested in leaving the house.  She'd been locked up since last week and it was wearing on her.  The poor thing, every time she heard the words, "to go" whether, "to go in the kitchen," or "go potty," she'd run towards the front door with wanting eyes.  By last night, she demanded to leave.  She truly DEMANDED it.  So, the three of us went to Walmart just so Bailey could remember what it was like to be outside of these plaster walls.


Well, today, I knew we'd finally be able to exit the yellow cottage.  Bailey agreed with this notion.  All I had to ask was, "are you ready to go?" and she was more than set.  She even got her coat for me, without me even asking.


On our way, she read her animal picture book for a really long time and talked to herself in a sing song voice.  Then she was snoring, and during her nap I ran a quick errand, then we stopped at Target.  She was quite excited to get out of the car and was helping me do so.  Inside, we found some photos frames (like SUPER cheap ones! $2.48 cheap!) and some cookies (Gerber Arrowroot) that she held onto for dear life.  She wasn't sure about allowing her cookies to be checked out, but then accepted them back with open arms.  She said her "byes" and we headed out to our next destination: swimming.


On our way to the Y, I guess I somehow had the Buzz on (a radio station for you non-KCers) and they were playing Mad Season's River of Deceit.  My daughter is going to be a grunge geek.  She was singing in her car seat, humming along having such a good time!!!  She's apparently also a fan of Pearl Jam's. Once this anecdote was shared with her father, he told me he wasn't speaking to me anymore.


The pool was completely empty, yet the dressing rooms were stolen, and even the big stall in the bathroom (with the changing table) was too!  We waited and we waited.  We waited some more.  Twenty-five minutes worth of waiting!  Try occupying a child pool side for that  Finally, we got a room, but it wasn't the one she's used to, but after two seconds of protesting, she was willing to oblige.


She did really well in the water today and we stayed much longer than we have in weeks, or perhaps longer.  I'm not sure if I had mentioned that we went swimming once last week, and it was spring break time (which I hadn't realized) and TOO PACKED.  Anyway, we were alone today and spent a great time splashing and having fun.  She had my hair completely soaked and I couldn't see through my glasses for periods of time. 


After swimming, she got her banana (that she has insisted upon adding to our routine) and we decided to head to the Target by the Y.  I found more frames on mega-clearance (!) and we found some other fun things.  Bailey really loves the kids' gardening section in Target.  If you're unfamiliar with it, it's full of brooms, rakes, bug-designed wheelbarrows, bug houses, and other little outdoor contraptions just Bailey's size.  She loves that section!  She had to wheel around the snail wheelbarrow for a little bit.  In fact, she didn't want to stop.


After Target, she had my cell phone and she was putting it to her ear and saying, "hello," and some other things, just having a good ol' conversation.  When I finally retrieved my phone from the midget, I saw that she had managed to type in a number.  What number, you ask?  "666."  I'm not kidding.  It seemed rather appropriate though.


So, we're home now, after a very busy day.  She was getting sleepy in Target, but then came back strong.  On the way home wasn't quite as easy.  She crashed, big time. 


I wonder what's on the agenda for tomorrow....

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