Monday, March 20, 2006

The Giggle Box

Lisa, I want you to know that Bailey finds that cat video to be the most hysterical thing EVER.  She just laughs non stop in the most hilarious giggles Rob and I have ever heard.  She even knows exactly what I mean when I ask her, "Bailey, do you want to watch the cat video?"  "SURE. PLEASE. PLEASE." (And then she runs to the gate to be taken to the computer room.)


For everyone else unfamiliar with the cat video, it's a bunch of clips from America's  Funniest Videos or something similar.  Hysterical for a child of 20 months, and pretty darn funny for the rest of us too.

Daddy said that Bailey really enjoyed AFV last night too on television, especially the silly animal clips.  So that video came with perfect timing.

She saw the cat video for the first time around 5:30 am this morning when she had decided she didn't want to sleep anymore.  Something about me taking Bailey at night (or WAY too early in the morning) means to her that it's time to wake up.  I wish to remedy this false notion.



We're  having a "sure" week.  In case you have missed out on these, for the past few weeks, we've been in an "of course" mood.  But since this weekend, she's back to answering questions with "sure" and with a little "of course" every now and then, but then correcting herself immediately with another "sure."


She painted the bath tub last night with bubbles.  She made exactly two and a half rounds inside the tub, painting the entire portion of each side.  It was very a serious moment for her.  She had the serious face on and with the determination of Van Gogh, finished her masterpiece, and managed to do so leaving her ears in tact.  IMPRESSIVE!  To paint with bubbles with both ears?  That takes mega-skills!


Oh, when I came home last night from my dinner with Brooke (Mommy and Daddy had to postpone their anniversary plans because Bailey was still snotty), Bailey saluted me with the best words: "HI MOMMY!"  I love those words.


But you can still continue to address me as "Terra."  Please, feel free.

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