Thursday, March 2, 2006

Mardi Gras Photos

Okay, so updating Bailey's website with our Mardi Gras photos has taken a lot of effort and Advil.  I think I'm finally on the right road to success though after a few glitches and thought I'd share a few here that weren't going to work for her page.  So, you loyal bloggers get a BONUS.  You should be so proud.


I haven't updated this week because we've been out enjoying this fabulous weather!  78 in February, who knew?  80 on March 1?  But hey, we can't complain.


On Fat Tuesday, we swam, we shopped for spring/summer clothing, and we made a King Cake.  And of course, I took a rough estimate of 370 photos of Bailey. 

But does this honestly surprise anyone?


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