Tuesday, March 7, 2006

A Beautiful Tuesday

Being a typical Tuesday, we had lunch with Daddy, riding to our destination in her new car seat. Bailey awoke from a nap to discover herself in Daddy's arms and inside a McDonalds.  Wow...what a dream come true.  She had a fun time, and today, when we parted, she didn't cry.  She just sat nicely in the car.  It was a brilliant change.

We had arrangements to meet a lady from Freecycle (www.freecycle.org if you're curious) but first went to a Target.  We love those Targets.  Bailey had fun checking out the bubble section (one of her favorite sections, second only to the ball cage) and while browsing through the clothing department, Bailey discovered a pack of children, little girls to be exact.  They discovered Bailey as well.  They let me know that I had a very cute little boy (which made me smirk) and they started touching her and cooing about how cute his face was and hair, and hands.  They just kept touching her, and she LOVED every second of it.  She looked like she was in heaven as these children continued to rub her face.  She looked like she was experiencing the most heavenly massage.  I even caught her with her eyes closed for a second.

Their mother ended up  correcting them and breaking the news that Bailey is indeed a girl.  The one little girl didn't believe her and had to ask me.  I agreed with their mother.  It was kind of cute though.  The mother said, "she's in purple flowers.  of course she's a girl."  "Are you sure?"

I couldn't help but laugh.  But man, Bailey loved that relaxing massage.  She could've stood in front of them for hours, and they would've let her.  She didn't want to leave their side, and the feelings were mutual.  It was a shame to break up their newfound massaging friendship.


At the checkout, Bailey finally realized I bought a pack of bubbles and she was VERY excited.  (We were close to out.)  Of course, she didn't want the checkout lady to steal them.  I kept trying to convince her they were definitely hers.  The lady in front of us took forever writing a check, so I had to really break out my persuasion skills.  I felt like I was trying to convince a jury of 12 that Scott Peterson didn't do it.  It was tough.  But unlike those before me, I managed.

We met our Freecycle lady to give her her things we had for her, but Bailey was hesitant.  I had the stuff in a Target sack, which looked a lot like her bubble sack.  I had to go the persuasion route all over again.  Smiles were back once I proved to her in the car that I didn't give her precious bubbles away.  She could've hugged that pack of bubbles FOREVER.


We attempted to go swimming, but Mommy forgot the swim diaper in the car.  We returned to the car, but Bailey was more interested in a snack than a swim, and I'd lost my motivation to try it all over again.  Plus, I was still convinced at the time that it was going to rain.


...It never did.  However, it did reach higher temperatures than planned today.


On the drive home, she thought she'd sneak out of her car seat (she had her coat off by this time), and fortunately, this one is SO much easier to tighten than the other one was.  I even did it while driving.  Impressive, eh?


Back at home, she talked to the kids next door and tortured Kaitlin for a bit.


We did other stuff too, but I've long since forgotten. 

Hey, at least I updated.


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