Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Half-Birthday and other missing entries

I know, I know.  I've been awful at keeping up Miss Bailey's blog.  I have been recording her milestones religiously though on her webpage, so I deserve at least a little applause.  Ha.  Today, we celebrated Bailey's two and a half year birthday.  It wasn't a big production, but we did make a cake, which she later helped herself to in the manner of serving herself a piece on a plate, using her hands as a cake knife.

We've also been busy remodeling the kitchen, a blog entry soon to come, maybe.  We are all healthy again (currently knocking on wood) and I finally have updated her website with photos.  The December folder is full of captioned photos now, and a few more photos were added this week.  January's album has also obviously been updated.

More entries to come...and maybe even pictures too.


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