Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Tale of Two Kitties

Bailey's favorite pair of shoes are a pair of pink Hello Kitty rubber clogs (Crocs-style if you're familiar with it) we found at Payless.  Bailey had longed for them a longtime, but finding her size was hard until the same day as Tandy and Alec's wedding when Bailey and I went out searching for white shoes to match her dress  (we had no white dress shoes at the time, a tragedy since remedied).  She was so smug when we discovered those "pink cat shoes" at the top shelf in the BOYS' section, well hidden.  Luckily they had caught my eye, as it is odd to spot hot pink in the boys' section.  I'm sure some mommy out there was quite upset to discover her well hidden shoes had been found by someone else before she could buy them.  Oh woe is her, and not me.

So, Bailey loves these shoes.  A couple weeks ago, we were at gymnastics class and she started getting upset as we were ready to go and it had nothing to do with leaving.  I suddenly hear the words, "shoes," and I see that the other Bailey (yes, there are two) has an exact pair of "pink cat shoes," and our Bailey thought she had her shoes on, since we hadn't worn hers that day.  She mourned the loss of her shoes the whole drive home (a whole 2 minutes) and at home searching endlessly for her shoes.  The search was so long, I too started to wonder (ha), but alas, they were just well-hidden, and even better than their location at Payless.


Last Friday, Bailey and I were in Lawrence in their new, shiny Walmart and while in the clearance aisle I hear my little girl say, "those are mine."  She was sort of pointing so I'm scouring around trying to see what on earth she's talking about, and she says, "she has Bailey's shoes on.  Those are Bailey's pink cat shoes."  Sure enough, the little girl beside us also had on the same pair of shoes, but hers were much larger (at least a size 12 if not bigger).  Bailey and I then discussed how they both had the same pair and Bailey counted all four cat shoes successfully and everything was happy in the world because the world is better for all the more cat shoes.


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