Friday, September 1, 2006

Sleepwalking...but not today

Lately, Bailey has been insisting upon taking a walk to the park.  On Wednesday, we went to the park, but she did not want to play.  She just wanted me to keep taking the path around the park, while she relaxed nicely in her stroller.  This proved profitable, since she fell asleep and I made it home in time for her to still sleep while I mowed the back yard (and partially a side).  Thursday proved the same results, only this time, I mowed the front and the other side.  Three laps around, and out.  She was asleep.

Today, I was hoping for the same results but learned that the third time is not always a charm.  By the fourth lap, Bailey wanted out to play.  We were at the park for about an hour and twenty minutes.  There was no actual napping involved.  There was no nap at all today.  I guess Bailey knew that luckily, Mommy had no more yard to mow.

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