Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Hamster on the Brink of Death

We went to Wonderscope today, as we often do on Tuesdays.  We haven't been for two Tuesdays in a row though, so we were definitely due.  Bailey was ecstatic when we pulled into the 'Scope parking lot.  It was a very exciting moment in her life.

We went in the front doors and I was signing in, Bailey walked up to the hamsters (that are by the front desk) and everything was just like normal.  The lady at the front desk (a woman neither of us have met throughout our many visits) asked Bailey if she wanted to watch her feed the rodents apples and decided it'd be wise to get out one of the hamsters, Sam, from his cage for Bailey to pet.    I already didn't like this, not at all (but Bailey sure did).  Not because they're vermin, but because until this point, Bailey never knew they could come out of their cages.  She just thought they lived there and were stuck in there.  Forever.  It was a nice place for them to be.  They should remain there always.  (And really, I don't mind hamsters, but she DID NOT need to experience this.)

So, the hamsters can come out of their glass and plastic homes.  Duly noted.  Another mother came in with her daughter and a stroller (in it, I'm guessing a baby) and the little girl chose to stand next to Bailey in front of the hamster cages.  One hamster cage resides on a table, the other on the floor.  Bailey was knelt on the floor examining Max's cage.  The new child was between us, the desk lady was on the either side of Bailey, speaking to the mother.  Then I realize a hand is creeping underneath the cage lid and some words escaped me (I can't recall what) and by the time my hand grabbed Bailey's I noticed her hand was heavy.  She had already managed to get her grubby little paws on the furry little beast.  This is where it's really scary.  I could not get the heathen to LET GO.  She just kept squeezing, and I kept prying her arm and hand and exclaiming some sort of words.  The lady at the desk just existed, the child beside me was in shock, and Bailey?  She was quite determined.

I really feel sorry for that poorhamster.  I think his short life must have flashed before his very eyes and I hope he manages to see another day.  Part of me wonders if she damaged any internal organs, but I'm trying to get rid of the guilt eating away at my stomach lining.  If we go back next Tuesday, and his cage is missing, I'm so going to hide my head in shame.

So, yes, she did manage to finally let him go, but not without putting up a good fight.  She was just as happy as could be too.  After she finally let go, I slammed down the lid, took her hands and turned her to completely face me and as we began to discuss this horrible almost-Shakespearean-tragedy, she lunged away from me and hit her face (right under her left eye) on the table corner.  Then she cried and lecture time was over (conveniently) and I had to instead soothe her. 

So there you have it folks: cruelty to animals.  Luckily, it wasn't intentional, but it happened nonetheless.  This is SO going in the baby book.

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