Wednesday, September 27, 2006

2 years old, 2 months late

Today, we finally had Bailey's two-year "well" visit to her doctor.  Okay, so she's been two for almost two and a half months, but, really, it's not our fault.  Getting into her office was almost as difficult as getting a straight answer out of Condi Rice.


Politics aside, obviously, it was hard to get an appointment.  Granted, we had no problem getting in two weeks ago by muttering the word "strep" (which she indeed had) but an actual check up?  Oh no.  We couldn't get that on time.  Next time, I'm going to mention more serious words...or not.  (But it is tempting.)


So, she's still in the fifth percentile on weight.  She's up in height as we'd guessed, thirty-four inches to be exact.  Her genius brain is as perfect as always.  Dr. Flint asked if Bailey spoke at least twenty words and I laughed.  Then Bailey pointed out all the fruit in the drawing that was on the door (and the colors) for the good doctor and she commented on Bailey's fabulous vocabulary.  I always do love the questions they ask.  "How does she do with stairs?"  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Yeah...moving on.


She had a Hep A shot and she did MARVELOUS.  She's so awesome.  her favorite part was the "rabbit" Band-aid.  And if you call it a bunny, she'll correct you, unless you say "bunny rabbit."  She's as particular about words as I am.  (Shocking from my child, yeah?)


The best part?  We don't have to go back until she's THREE!


...Unless of course she gets sick again...let's avoid that, okay?


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