Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yesterday's Love

So many things to mention...


If little people stand on a laundry basket, they can reach the DVDs above the television.  We tried it yesterday and it proved to be very successful.


Spinning dreidels is SO cool.  To go along with our future Jewish traditions (Daddy said we're going to pick a new religion each year) Bailey found this dreidel Mommy had in her holiday supplies and Daddy started spinning it for her Monday night.  Bailey would say "wow" each time in this wonderful way.  It would start out almost quiet and in a whisper as though it takes her breath away.  Understandable.  Dreidels are awesome.


After enough people asking my child to "high 5" and her giving them a blank stare, I finally broke down and taught it to her yesterday evening.  I've been holding out.  Well, she appreciated the lesson and instantly now loves it, just like the majority of drunk fraternity boys.  It's even better than clapping so she has to put her hand to yours a lot because the sound is cool.


Our romantic Valentine's plan included getting up at before 5am (which was previously mentioned), finally crashing at 8am, making cheesecake, meeting Daddy for lunch and bringing treats to his work, stealing a lollipop from Daddy's work, eating Mommy's bread from her sandwich, sleeping for a few minutes on the way to the Y, shopping in Target and finding a fabulous new hat, shaking sprinkles like a maraca, discovered the digital camera mysteriously broken (oops), going swimming for a short amount of time, driving home, making valentines with stickers and crayons and ink pens (oh my!), and loving balloons with all her heart.


I bought Bailey two mylar balloons that are heart shaped and she's a balloon fanatic, as most people know (as most kids are) and her new game she invented just yesterday is to have you reach the balloon string for her and she holds onto it just long enough to let go so she can say "whoops" or "uh oh" and have you retrieve it for her all over again.  By night fall, she revised the game and instead, likes to be picked up so she can reach it, be set down, and let go again.  It's great fun!


As for a Valentine for our funny Valentine, I opted to stray from the ever-original stuffed animal route (no offense) and Bailey received other things.  I'll share those soon.



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