Friday, February 24, 2006

Pizza delivery, so very P.C.

After prolonging the inevitable tonight, we ended up ordering pizza.  The doorbell rang and Bailey knew that meant someone was there and perhaps a chance to sneak a peek outside.  Mommy beat her to it though, and she was okay with that until the door closed on its own and she couldn't see Mommy anymore.  Everything was much better though when Mommy reappeared....along with PIZZA.  That warranted a huge clap and "YAY" from the BaileyBug.  She was the happiest child in the world.  And at that moment, I swore I heard her say, "pizza," only it sounded like, "pees-see," or even, "P.C."

My ears were not mistaken.  I was not experiencing delusions again.  She really did say it, because she said it a couple more times after that.  We knew she was working on the word, but oh yes, she most definitely knows that word, even if it is pronounced a bit differently than we're all used to.

What's really humorous?  When she sees a photo of a pizza on a flash card, she ALWAYS calls it "cake," because the triangle pieces look like cake pieces.  But she sees a pizza box?  Suddenly it's actually pizza.  It's astonishing how that works.

Our daughter is going to be the most P.C. child out there.


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