Saturday, September 27, 2008

We weren't expecting her to catch us...

We knew better.  I mean, we've been parents for four years now.  We know what we can and cannot get away with at this point, and what she's going to figure out.  She's a bright kid.  So when we snuck into the office last night alone together, we should've made better arrangements.  Because it is always likely that she'll walk in and catch us.  It hadn't happened yet, but well, there's always a first.


I have certain needs and hobbies and interests.  They're no secret really.  Rob has his own interests.  Also not really a secret.  We share these common interests and hobbies, mostly, and then in comes Bailey, catching us at the most inopportune time.  And you KNOW she had questions.


Because right there on my computer screen as I'm enjoying a laugh of guilty pleasure, is a picture in an e-mail from Grandpa.





Bailey instantly wanted to know what that sign meant and what it said.  I was too busy stuttering "uh, um...uh..." as though I was in the middle of an interview with Katie Couric or Charlie Gibson, and fortunately, Bailey did what any logical interviewer in this day and age would do.  She answered for me.


It says, "hey, she's gots to go away."


That's right, Bailey.  That's right.  And you better believe I gave that child a high five.



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